6. Real Life

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Luna had just put her twins down for a nap when her phone began to ring making her frown. She had just finished talking with Jin so why was he calling her again? She didn't think twice and picked the call and she could hear JungKook and Jimin in the background laughing while RM, V, J-Hope and Suga were most likely sitting close by watching them.

"Hey," Jin spoke down the line, "I know we just talked, but I actually forgot to ask what you're planning on doing for work?"

Luna blinked confused by her brother's question, she hadn't really thought of that, I mean she just had twins three months ago and her ex had Jair broken up with her not that long ago, so she wasn't really planning on going to work yet. She wanted to spend as much time as she could with her twins before she even thought of work again.

"I really haven't thought about that," she finally replied to him, "I mean I want to be with the twins as much as possible before I even think about going back to work, why?"

"Well you know how we have restrictions due to COVID and had to cancel our tour but we're going to be doing a series of concert performances titled Permission To Dance," Jin said and Luna nodded before waiting for him to continue, "and well I spoke to our manager and asked if it's possible to have a photographer join and they said it was fine with them as long as said photographer was okay with it, specially if she has three month old twins to think about."

As she listened to her brother's voice on the line she thought back to all the memories she had while in trout with them since their first tour in 2014 just a year after their debut. But now she needed to think of her babies and how she'll need to balance work and them while on tour even if it won't be as huge as they usually are due to COVID restrictions.

"When is Permission to Dance taking place?" Luna found herself asking her brother.

"Not until next year," Jin said making Luna sigh in exasperation thinking they were about to start it.

As Luna processed Jin's response and realized that the Permission To Dance tour was scheduled for the following year, a wave of relief washed over her. It meant that she had some time to carefully consider this life-changing opportunity, to plan and prepare for a new chapter in her life as a working mother.

As she sat in her cozy living room, the soft sunlight filtering through the curtains, Luna's mind drifted back to the early days of her journey with BTS. She remembered the excitement of their first tour in 2014, the thrill of capturing candid moments backstage, and the deep bond she had formed with the members over the years. The thought of reuniting with them on tour filled her with a sense of nostalgia and longing.

But now, with her twins by her side, Luna knew that things had changed. Her priorities had shifted, her responsibilities had multiplied, and her heart had expanded in ways she never knew possible. The idea of leaving her babies for an extended period of time, even for a dream job like this, tugged at her heartstrings and filled her with a sense of apprehension.

Taking a deep breath, Luna glanced around the room, at the toys scattered on the floor, at the baby books waiting to be read, at the crib where her twins slept peacefully. She knew that whatever decision she made would impact not only her career but also her children's well-being and her own sense of fulfillment. It was a delicate balance that she needed to navigate with care and consideration.

After ending the call with Jin, Luna sat down with a pen and paper, ready to make a list of pros and cons, of hopes and fears, of dreams and practicalities. She knew that this decision was not one to be taken lightly and that she needed to involve her family, her friends, and perhaps even a trusted mentor in the process.

As the day turned into evening and the world outside darkened, Luna continued to ponder the road ahead. The road that held the promise of adventure, of growth, of challenges, and of joy. With her twins' soft breathing as a backdrop, Luna whispered to herself, "I may not have all the answers now, but I will find them. For my twins, for BTS, and for myself. This journey is just beginning, and I am ready to embrace it with an open heart."


The weight of Jin's unexpected call lingered in the air around Luna as she processed the information about the Permission to Dance tour. She found herself caught between the excitement of the opportunity and the overwhelming sense of responsibility that came with being a mother to her newborn twins. As she sat in the quiet of her living room, the soft hum of the city outside filling the space, Luna felt the weight of her decision pressing down on her.

The thought of joining BTS on tour as their photographer stirred a deep sense of passion within Luna. The chance to capture the essence of their performances, to document their journey, and to share it with the world filled her with an inexplicable thrill. But beneath that excitement lay a layer of apprehension, a nagging doubt about whether she could truly balance the demands of such a high-profile job with the needs of her children.

Luna's mind wandered back to the early days of her photography career, the long hours spent perfecting her craft, the late nights editing photos, the thrill of seeing her work published and appreciated. It was a world she had immersed herself in, a world that had shaped her identity, her dreams, her ambitions. But now, faced with the prospect of returning to work, of embarking on a new chapter in her career, Luna couldn't ignore the fact that everything had changed since the arrival of her twins.

With a heavy heart, Luna glanced at the digital clock on the wall, its numbers glowing softly in the dimly lit room. Time seemed to slow down as she grappled with the decision before her. How could she leave her babies for an extended period of time? How could she balance the demands of motherhood with the demands of a high-pressure job? How could she ensure that she didn't miss out on the precious moments of her children's early years?

As the night deepened outside her window, casting shadows across the room, Luna felt a sense of urgency creeping in. This was a decision that required her full attention, her deep introspection, her unwavering commitment. It was a decision that would shape not only her career but also her family's future.

With a determined expression settling on her face, Luna made a silent vow to herself and her twins. She would find a way to make it work. She would navigate the challenges ahead with strength, resilience, and love. And she would trust that, no matter what the future held, she was capable of handling whatever came her way.

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