The Prince

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What could she want now. This is the third time this week that my mother has called for me. It's probably about my love life again, ughh.

I ease open her study room door. She's sitting at her desk, surrounded by papers. The small gesture of her hand signals me to sit across from her. 

"Good evening, Mother."

"The same to you, Valen. Now sit down, we have important issues to discus. First of all, your marriage." 

I groan internally. This subject comes up in all of our talks. She has become obsessed with me getting married. Did she ask what I wanted? No, she did not. What does my opinion matter, nothing, just nothing. 

"It is highly important that you find a wife. I know that you don't want to be married, but you are the sole heir to the throne and it is your duty to produce offspring." My mother scolds. "Now, the girl you met in France when you were five has been found." 

"Mother! We pretended to be married at a park, how do we even know this is the same girl."

"I have reasons to believe that she is the one we are looking for. And since you refuse to date this is our only option. The two of you will spend a couple months together and then announce the marriage. She has agreed to come by the way. She will be flying here next week."

"And what if we don't have any chemistry?" 

"We will discuss that when time comes."

This is insane. That poor girl. Either she is desperate for a partner, a ditzy girl who has a dream of being a princess, or who is coming here for some other reason. Maybe my mother threatened her. In any of these situations, she might not get what she hopped for. Hope the girl takes rejection well. 

"You will try to please her and court her." She warns. "On to more pressing matters, I'm assigning you a personal guard. He is one of the best in our squadron.'

This time I groaned out loud. "Why do I need a babysitter, Mother. I am not a child.'

"Then stop whining about everything. There have been threats of terrorist attacks, this is for your own safety. I will call the guard in, he can accompany you on your evening walk." 

My mother presses the buzzer on her arm rest. Not to long after there is a curt knock at the door. A tall, lean and handsome guard walks through. His skin is a light bronze colour, his hair jet black, cropped like all the guards. His silver eyes are stunning. 

"Good evening, your majesty, your highness." He bowed. 

"Well, Mother it is time for my evening walk. Goodnight." I need to be out of here, the walls have started to close in on me. I rush out the door. The guard trails behind me. This is going to take some getting used to. I walk until I find the exit to the forest. That is my favorite place to walk through, so green, peaceful, free. The guard is silent, as most of them are around me and my mother. After my father had passed, everything in the palace had seemed to quiet into a deep sleep. 

We reach the forest, it is only a little bit outside of the castle grounds. I hum a tune, silence is not something I enjoy. Birds chirp, squirrels chitter, I see a deer and its fawn off in the distance. It must have seen us as well, because they bolt deeper into the forest. 

"What is your name?" I ask the guard. 

"My name is Gabriel, your highness."

"It is nice to meet you, please call me Valen."

"I am afraid that would be considered out of order and disrespectful, your highness."

"O phftt. Now tell me a bit about your self. If you are to be stuck with me for the time being I'd rather us not be strangers," I say as I perch my self on a boulder.

Gabriel is silent for a while. "I enjoy whittling, shooting, and sword fighting."

What a typical guard thing to say. There has to be more to this man. He can't have those intelligent eyes and be all brawn.

I turn to the sunset. It is quiet beautiful. All the reds and oranges, yellows and pinks. Maybe tomorrow I'll write a song with the melody sounding like a sunset.

"What inspired you to become a guard, Gabriel?"

"Many things, but it is a honor to serve my country and my monarchs." 

Another typical guard thing to say. Mark my words, I will break through this man's stone exterior and see who really is hiding underneath. 

"We should start heading back your highness. It will be dark soon, and if I'm not wrong, you do have a curfew.

Why did he have to remind me. What twenty-three year old still has a curfew. Back inside to the dreaded palace I go. 


Gabriel follows me until we're just outside my door. Another guard is standing there, like always. A prince is most vulnerable in his sleep. Gabriel gives a nod to the guard and follows me into my room. 

"I don't need your help getting dressed in my night wear."

Gabriel's face flushes red, he clears his throat. I plop down onto my bed with a sigh. Dam he sure is cute when he's embarrassed. 

"I will se you in the morning, your highness."

Gabriel leaves, shutting the door behind him. I grab a book off my bookshelf. I don't really feel like reading right now though. I'm more excited about the new information I've discovered. The crack in Gabriel's façade. He obviously is very easily embarrassed. Now my next plan of action has a set course. I will find out who Gabriel really is, what his real interests are, what his past is like. I slow smile spreads across my face, and a giggle slips out. I can't help it. These next few days, weeks, months, however long it takes Gabriel to crack, will be very interesting. 

All I have to do is flirt with him. 

Hehehe I can't wait to see what happens next. FYI I'm flying by the seat of my pants here. I barely have a plot line written out. I hope that doesn't stop you from reading, cause I think this will turn out good. Thanks for reading. 😊༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Also check out my other story called the Trap or the City in the Mountain. Byeeeeeeeeee my awesome people.

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