The Prince

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Ugh. Mother just had to interrupt my evening walk by summoning me to her study. She literally had me in there two days ago. Now I will have to convince Gabriel to let me use my free time as outside time. He probably won't since he is such a stickler for the rules, but a prince can dream can't he. 

My mission for breaking through Gabriel's no nonsense guard mask is a bit tougher than I thought. There hasn't been to many chances to flirt with him with all of my classes going on. And now that I recall, yesterday he seemed slightly upset or at least distracted. I asked him a few questions yesterday and all I got was curt answers. Today he seems a bit more like the guy I first met. Now since my mother has decided to be unbearable, I most likely won't get to ask Gabriel any questions at all. Humph. 

I knock twice on the door. In the castle we have a knocking system. One knock was my father , two knocks is for me, three knocks is for the maids and butlers, four knocks is for the guards. Everyone uses the system. It prevents us from falling prey to those who might harm us. 

My mother's personal maid opens the door. I would have my own butler, but since I have more free time I either do things myself or ask the closest maid. My room has its own staff that clean it daily. It is  mildly annoying because they always mess up my personal system for my notebooks. 

"Valen, come in here," she sounds happier than usual, I wonder why. 

As soon as I walk in I know why she is happy. A girl is sitting across from her. She is a pretty girl, her doe shaped eyes are hazel, her long red hair is like fire, but it doesn't have the orange tinge most natural redheads do, I wonder if she dyes it?

"Don't stand there looking like a ninny and come sit down by our dear Amelia." 

I walk over the the couch the girl, Amelia, is sitting on and plop down beside her. Gabriel stands directly behind me, I can feel his breath on my shoulders. 

"Amelia this is my son. I already told you that I wanted a daughter, but alas, I got this one," she gestured towards me. Amelia's smile looks a bit strained. 

"But now that you are getting married, you will be my daughter, and I will teach you my ways, and someday you will be just like me." 

"Thank you, Mother. But you know that we agreed to try dating, not a wedding right off the bat." I say coldly, her words stung just a bit. I'm used to my mother's sighs about how she wishes I was a girl, but she has never done it so openly to strangers. 

"O pish posh, I'm sure you two will bond and fall in love so quickly. You seem like the perfect match for each other. Now I want you two to spend some bonding time together, so why don't you take Amelia to the gardens and you two can chat."

Finally the first good thing about this meeting. I'll get to go outside after all. The gardens aren't my first choice for a walk, but they are nice enough. 

I stand up and offer my hand to Amelia. She takes it and Gabriel opens the door for us. 


The Gardens are nice in the evening. There are many different flowers in the gardens, all of them in their specific section, well kept and groomed. 

Since the start of the walk Amelia and I have been silent. She has long stopped holding my hand. Gabriel is following us at a distance, just enough to give us privacy, but at the same time able to make sure I am not in any danger. 

"What type of flower is you favorite?" I ask politely, trying to make conversation without it being awkward. 

"Are you trying to find out my favorite type to give me a bouquet as a show of affection?"

Amelia says it so outright and serious I almost laugh.

"Gosh no, I was merely trying to make conversation. You don't have to answer if you just want to keep walking in this awkward silence."

"Oh," she lets out a small laugh. "I guess I've never thought much about it before."

"That's preposterous," I gasp in fake shock. "Everyone has a favorite flower, and since we have so many varieties in this garden I propose that we go in search for your favorite one."

I grasp her hand and drag her to the first row of flowers. They are China Roses. 

"Roses, really. Everyone says that roses are their favorite. It's to boring for me."

The next row is a mix of Lilly's. 

"There are so many different  variations of this one I'd never be able to choose a favorite."

This was becoming impossible. For every flower there was something not quite right for Amelia. The Jasmine didn't have enough colour, the Flamingo Flower was to weird, the Lavender had to strong of a smell, the Chrysanthemum had to long of a name and so on. We went through most of the garden when Amelia asked,

"What is your favorite flower, your highness."

"Well I have two, I'll show them to you on one condition. You call me Valen. I hate when people call me by a royal title."

Once again we weave through the garden until we reach my first favorite flower. The Orchids. I explain to Amelia that Orchids are my favorite because my father would always have them in his study. 

"O, wow." Amelia gasps. 

We are in the center of the garden. My favorite place in the castle grounds is right here, sitting beside the small pond relaxes me. Floating on the calm water are many lotus flowers. They are still just starting to bloom. It's sad to know each bud will only stay open for about five days, but once the old flower dies a new one will start growing again. Such is the cycle of plants. 

I lead Amelia to the stone bench. I ask her questions about her life. Basic one, the kind you would ask a new acquaintance. I learned that she doesn't have a favorite colour, she has a degree in creative arts. She loves to paint, hates cats and her favorite food is cheese and wine. 

"And you like green, music and dancing. You dislike meetings and being inside-

"And my favorite food is dessert, but if I had to choose one it would be chocolate lava cake. It's just so ooy and delicious."

Amelia laughs again. Her laugh is like a sharp bark. It's still a nice laugh. Then she brings up a question I dread to answer. 

"When will I get to meet your father, you know, since I already met your mother?" 

I knew the question would come up eventually, but it's hard for me to answer. The words just seem to get stuck in my throat. 

Heyyyyyyy thank you guys sooo much if you read until the end. It means a lot to me. Hope you are all having a great week. Also comment if you have a favorite flower. Mine is probably Orchids or Lotus flowers (no joke) but I also like roses and lavender. Goodbyeeeeeee my awesome people. 

The Prince The Artist The Maid The Guard.Where stories live. Discover now