The Artist

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I watch as the prince's, I mean Valen's face falls. Its obvious this question bothers him. 

"My father died of cancer when I was thirteen."

"I'm so sorry Valen, that's horrible." I feel bad for bringing it up now. "Were you two close?"

"Yeah we were pretty close. He would always read me a story before bed, and even though he was busy he always found time for me. I miss him." 

I place a hand on Valen's shoulder. He looks up at me, there are tears forming in his green eyes. 

"What about your family?" 

I hate explaining to people that my mother decided that I wasn't important enough to her and just upped and left me and my father, but I told Valen anyway. It is only fair. 

"You sound a bit bitter about that, but I mean who wouldn't be. What is your father like?"

"He is kind and gentle. A bit silly at times. I get my artist-y side from him. He makes a lot of jokes. I know he loves me, but sometimes I wish he would stop worrying about me. The only reason I'm here is to ease his worries."

"O thank gosh. I was so concerned that my mother basically dragged you here against your will. At first I thought that you were desperate for love, or maybe power since I am going to be taking over the throne in a few years. Once I met you, well, you didn't seem like that type of person."

I let out a laugh how could I not. I was thinking the same about him. How strange, but I suppose fate works in mysterious ways. 

"Well now I do have a favorite flower. The Lilly of the Valley is my favorite my father gave it to me every year on May first for La Fete Du Muguet."

"Well that's splendid that you remembered you favorite flower after we went through the entire Garden!" 

Valen punctuates his words with loudness and throwing up his arms. He lets out a laugh and soon we are both clutching our sides and rolling around with giggles. 

The Guard who has been following us, I think his name was Gabe or something, clears his thought rather pointedly. I suppose it's not the most prince like to be laughing uncontrollably  beside a pond. 

"What is you favorite flower, Gabriel?" Valen asks a small smile slowly spreading across his face. I wipe my eyes, I always cry when I laugh, it's a bit of a problem. 

"I like the scent of lavender. And it is getting rather late, we should head back inside. I believe that Miss. Reiger has not had her supper yet and it would be wise to let her eat, your highness."

If on cue my stomach lets out a loud grumble. How embarrassing. Valen rises and grabs my hand to lead me back into the castle.  


We stop in front of a door. this must be my room. The queen did mention that there would be food waiting for me, I hope it hasn't gone cold. 

"Well my dear Amelia, this is where we part ways. Have a good night's sleep. I can ensure that you will have a very busy day." Valen says this all in a teasing accent and kisses the back of my hand goodbye. Oh mon Dieu, he is such a silly goose. 

Him and Gabriel walk down the hall and up the staircase. As soon as they disappear, my door is ripped open. 

"Oh!" A women about my age gives a startled gasp. She is very pretty. Her golden hair is pulled into a tight bun, and her blue eyes are framed with thick lashes. She is the palest person I have seen hear, but her thin lips are quite pink. 

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