The Artist

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Soon the end of the semester came. It was time for me to start my my new life. Gosh I sound depressed. I don't want this though. I'm only doing this for Papa. Stupid prince, wanting me as his stupid wife, well I will not fall in love with him, that is certain. I walk out the university's main doors and down the stone steps. A freaking limo is parked on the sidewalk and a man dressed in a formal tuxedo is holding a sign with my name on it. You've got to be kidding me. The limo man holds open the door for me. 


The man just nods. He goes around to the drivers side and starts driving down the busy streets of Paris. It's a bit sad to leave Paris. I've been living here since I was eighteen. Now I'm off to a country I've never heard of, for who knows how long. 

"We are at the airport, Mademoiselle. I am to accompany you in, once you are at the boarding docks a flight attendant will see you to your seat and escort you off the plane."

The man carries my bags until we reach security. True to his word a flight attendant was waiting for me. She guides me to a first class seat. Even if this so called prince isn't a prince, they sure are rich. I gaze out the window, and whisper a goodbye to Paris, Papa, and my life. Now it's time to begin a new adventure.   

The flight isn't long. All it does is send me to another airport. I'm beginning to wonder just how small this country is, because they seat me in a small seaplane. 


I wake up from my nap feeling a bit groggy. One look out the window wakes me right up. The stretch of land is small. I can see the north, south, east, and west corners of the island all at once. Small houses are scattered everywhere, their red rooftops seem so cheerful. The sea surrounding the island is calm and a peaceful turquoise colour. How disappointing, I was hoping that it would be ugly so it would be easier to hate. 

"We will be landing in one minute. Please stay seated until we tell you that it is safe to move."

I wonder if they feel weird talking to us. There's only me and another lady seated next to me. She hasn't spoken at all, except to tell me she works for this 'queen' and that her name is Allie.

The sudden realization that we are indeed landing hits me at the same time my stomach starts doing summersaults. I grip onto the eat for dear life. We plummet down into the ocean. O shit, I never thought that I would die in a seaplane. So long Prince whatever your name is. Have a nice life knowing who your future wife was supposed to be is now under the sea. As a CORPS!

The plane skipped along the water like a smooth stone. It came to a slow stop a few meters from shore. I'm sure that my nails ripped a part of the seats leather off. Ok maybe I was being a bit dramatic, but, well no I don't actually have a good excuse. 


Allie grabs my bags from the plane and hands them to another man in a tuxedo, this country is not short of men in tuxedos.

We get into another car and drive slowly through the city. There are many people lined up on the side walks. They probably don't get to many new people here. The driver takes a turn uphill. My jaw drops.

A grand building gleams in the sunlight. It's multiple pillars twist up to the clouds. A sky bridge connects two parts of this magnificent beast of a building. It is utterly beautiful. 

We pull up to the steps, there have to be hundreds. It's huge, I don't know how I will ever be able to find my way here. 

I am ushered into this palace, palace doesn't seem fit for this place. 

"Please follow me ma'am. The Queen wishes to meet with you immediately ," Allie informs me. 

She speed walks down the long hallway. I admire the interior as we walk. The walls are smooth white stone, there are some portraits hanging up, they must be past monarchs. The carpet is plush under my feet and the colour of red wine. Allie leads me up a couple flights of stairs and down another hallway, until we reach a door that appears to be made out of a palm tree. The door has intricate carvings etched in the most wonderful design. 

Allie knocks on the door three times. Short and crisp. Then she scurries away. How dare she leave me in this huge place. In front of a door that she basically ding dong ditched. 

The door flings open. A woman is standing there in the door way looking at me a bit strangely. She is quite beautiful. Her long brown hair is in tight curls, the ones you know are natural. Her dark green dress complements her golden skin tone. Her dress is a work of art itself. It is a V-neck cut with a sharply fitted waistline flowing into a silky skirt. It's simple, but very elegant. 

"You must be Amelia, come in my dear." The woman guides me to a expensive looking royal blue couch. The woman sits directly across from me and snaps at someone to bring her some tea. 

"My name is Queen Mirabella."

I am a bit startled by this. I should have known that she was the queen by looking at her.

"I am so sorry, I didn't relies, or, and..." I stand up and hastily bow. 

"O please my dear, there is no need to bow at this moment. You simply didn't know the etiquette, but we do have a private tutor that will teach you these kind of things. Now you must be dyeing to know exactly why you were brought here to our small island. "

I nod profusely while the queen picks up the cup of tea that a maid set down. 

"You see, years ago you and my son were playing at a playground in Paris. You said you were a princess, obviously I would have known that you were pretending, but the nanny for my dear son had no clue that you were pretending. She had you write down your full name thinking that you were also from some foreign country. She gave it back to me where I immediately realized that you were not a princess, much to our dismay. Thankfully this country has very strong alliances with the surrounding monarchies and governments, so there is no need for my son to be in a arranged marriage for power, or other things like that. The thing is, I am getting on in my years and I would like to know that my bloodline will continue," 

Now that I look closer I see the gray streaks in her hair and some fine wrinkles surrounding her eyes and on her forehead.

"My son, stubborn one is he, refuses to date. Or at least all the girls I suggest. That is the whole reason why you are here. I want my son to find a nice wife and settle down and realize it's time for him to start taking his job as my sole heir seriously. I desperately want a daughter and grandchildren, Amelia. You seem like such a nice girl for my son. And wouldn't you just love to be a princess, and be in a royal family. That's every girls dream, is it not." 

I don't dare disagree with her. The look in her serious blue eyes scares me, jut a bit. so instead I just nod my head like an idiot. 

"Well that is so very fine. I will call Valen in so you two can have some bonding time and then you will be escorted to your room where there will be dinner and a seamstress waiting for you. As well as your own personal maid." Knock, knock. "O that must be him. He will be so pleased that you are finally here."

O boy. A slightly scary queen, a huge palace, and a love sick prince. I'm not so sure I'll be able to survive these next couple months.

Sorry that this is a bit of a boring chapter. I promise that it will get better. What do you guys think of the queen so far. Also this is the longest chapter I have ever written. Thank you so much for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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