The Guard

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*warning* Mentions of addiction and drug usage. It isn't super graphic or a lot of it, but it is in there.

This assignment may have been a mistake. I thought it would be a honor to directly serve the prince by being his personal bodyguard. Now it looks like I've gotten myself into something that could get me fired. Hopefully he will become less annoying, and flirty. Besides, I'm good at hiding my true self from others. 

Shoot, it's almost eight-fifteen. I need to get going on that extra assignment. I pull out the folder to reread the instructions. Looks like I'm on a case of drug dealers, some neighbor must have reported it. In most countries, they would give these jobs to the police force. Our country is so small that the Royal Guards act as the police force. That means I'm out here in the dark busting criminals, the people who are the scum of the earth. 

My driver takes a turn down a back ally and stops in front of a house. This is the people who reported their neighbors. Two houses down a dingy house sits at the corner of the block. It's paint is chipping, there are surveillance cameras, every curtain is closed, so the basic signs that this house is a meth lab, but who knows, these people might just like having the curtains closed. 

I nod to my driver, he knows to wait and if I needs back up to call in extra guards. He shouldn't need to call, I'm good at what I do. I hop over the fence. The dead grass crunches under my feet. There are stairs leading to the basement area, that's my best bet at getting into the house. I unlatch my gun from my holster, I've never shot anyone, but it's always good to have it open. 

The door is unlocked. It's hinges squeal and creak as I push it open. The smell of chemicals, cat urine and paint hit me. It is so powerful I take a step back. There is no doubt in my mind now, this is defiantly a meth lab. Empty cans of paint, nail polish remover, cleaners and hydrochloric acid litter the floor. Slowly and quietly I creep up to the main floor. Every equipment for the meth cooking process is spread out in there living room. 

Creeeek! I whip around, gun up. A lady in a pink night gown is holding a steak knife. Her hands are shaking, her face pale and sunken. She looks so frail and afraid. 

"Ma'am, you're going to have to come with me please. I will chase you if you run and I will shoot if you attempt to hurt me. Now drop the knife."

She does drop the knife and put her hands up. She lets me cuff her nd lead her to the car. I'm surprised that she doesn't put up a fight. Once she's seated in the car I call the chief. 

"Lieutenant Gabriel, I assume that you have found the drug dealer."

"Yes sir, she came peacefully. We can take her back now for interrogation." 

"Yes you do that. I will send up a crew to collect more evidence."

The Chief hangs up. I jump into the car, with any luck, the interrogation team might find out some key information on the terrorist group. 


"Lieutenant," the chief calls. 

"Yes Chief. Where they able to find out more information on the terrorists?"

"We were able to find some. Apparently the lady's husband was the one selling all the drugs. It looks like he didn't treat her very nicely. She was a addict unfortunately, and was part of the cooking process, so once she's back from the hospital, she'll be in jail for quite some time. The main buyers were in a ring of some sort. We think it might be the terrorist group, but we aren't exactly sure. No evidence leads us any closer to finding them."

"That is unfortunate, Chief."

"Now, get to bed, you've had a long day. And take a shower you stink."

He's right. I smell as bad as that lady's house. Actually, I smell the same as the lady's house. How disgusting. 

After a relaxing hot shower I crawl into bed. I can only pray that his highness will take it easy on me tomorrow. After seeing that poor lady I'm not sure how much of his pestering and questioning I can take.


I sit up with a jolt. Cold sweat trickles down my back. That was the worst nightmare I've had in a while. Just when I think I'm getting better at controlling them, they creep up on me like a tiger hunting its prey. More dreams about them, that house, that life. All those things need to left in the past. Never to be mentioned or heard of again.

heyyy my pretty people. Sry its a bit of a shorter chapter, but don't worry more of Amelias POV is coming next. hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to keep yourself healthy. If you know someone who is addicted to drugs contact help for them. They are in grave danger and there is people that can help them. If you have reasons to believe that your neighbors are dealing drugs call your local police station. Some indicators of a meth lab are mentioned in this chapter. Like, closed curtains, dead grass, surveillance cameras and lots of bottles in the trash. Others include of visitors at odd hours, burning trash or taking it somewhere else. And of course the smell. Signs that someone is a meth addict is tools for making or intaking the drug, dilatated pupils, drastic diet changes, mood swings and hallucinations. Please don't do drugs. There are many other ways to feel happy. If you are addicted to drugs or smoking or vaping or alcohol, there are specially trained councilors to help you. Have a nice day. good byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my awesome people. 

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