The Guard

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Warning: Mentions of fights, bombs and death, again not super graphic but still in there. 

It's dark. I hear footsteps. Voices, loud and angry. 

Where am I. What's happening. Who's there. 

Light flickers through the room. I'm able to see now. There is a small mat in one corner, a rolled up one in another. A broken lamp is in the middle of the room, a cracked mirror hangs on the wall. Clothes litter the floor, and the one wall next to the rolled up mat is by, is gone. The outside world is only blocked by a thin sheet. 

No, No! I can't relive this again. 

The voices get louder. I can make out what they are saying now. 

"Where is the money!"

"We'll have it to you next week, but please we want more."

"No more until we have our money!"

"You hogs just want to keep it all to yourselves!"

The voices are replaced by sounds or furniture breaking and jaws cracking. Women screaming, glass shattering. I know what will happen next. I've had this dream before. 

BAM! A gunshot silences all other noise. In the dim light of the room I can see blood trickling in from under the door. 

Yelling starts again, but my dream shifts. I'm still in the same room, but it has changed. The wall is still intact. The mirror isn't cracked, neither is the lamp. Most importantly the mat is unrolled. A boy is lounging on it, drawing on the wall closest to him with a coal from a fire. He turns his head to face me. A pair of eyes just like mine stare me down. We are almost identical, only he is a bit older. Or I suppose now I am older, but in this dream's time I am a bit younger than the other boy. 

"One day Gabby, we're gonna bust out of here and be free. Live our own lives, eat good food, sleep in comfy beds, and not be shiverin' with fear or cold in the night. No more bad guys comin' to our house anymore."

Now I'm standing outside, next to the forest, looking at the little house I stay in. I can't really say I lived there, because no one really was living in that house. Sure they were alive, but you get my point. 

Then it happened. I heard it before I saw it. The sharp whistling of something from above. Scared I ran a bit deeper into the forest, but I was still able to see my house. I wish i wasn't able to. 

A cloud of smoke and debris hit me, causing me to fall back. When I got up the grass around my house was burning, the wall of my room collapsed. My parents were throwing water on the fire before the rest of the house caught flam and blew up. Once the fire had been put out I ran to my room praying. I was met with blood and despair. A broken mirror, lamp and heart. He was gone, dead, never to smile at me and pat my head and tell me stories when I was scared. Did they care, no why would they. They didn't want us. 

My parents lifted up parts of the wall, parts of it crumpling. There he was underneath. Blood pouring, eyes cold and blank. I could see some his organs. I recognize the heart and lungs. I feel sick. The dream slowly fades. 


I wake up. Cold sweat dripping down my back, my breath is labored. My stomach churns. I feel dizzy. I think I might actually be sick. 

Thank gosh I don't have a roommate like I did while in training camp. It was quite hard to explain why I would randomly vomit in the night, yet not be sick. Only the chief knew what I had been through. 

I pace around my room, taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. This happened years ago, I should be over this by now. 

I won't be able to sleep now I might as well get a bit of early morning training. 


Prince Valen has been easy all day. His teasing and flirting has been minimum. I'm a bit suspicious. Maybe he just senses how tired I am. It's been a few days now since my dream about that day. Every night now I have one about another memory, causing me less sleep. I have to get control of this, I can't be good at my job if I am so tired I can't walk. Medication doesn't help, it only makes it worse. I don't know what to do. 

I can't let fear overtake me again.

Heyyyy you guys. Sorry for the short chapter, but thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and will continue to read it. 

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