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🎉📚👋 *Boba Grand Award* Writing Contest Prizes 🏆

*1st Place* 🏆

1. *💻 Follow* from 3 special accounts
2. *📢 Shout-out* on all members' pages
3. *📚 Special Cover* with award displayed
4. *🔒 Unique Sticker* with name engraved (never to be copied)
5. *🗳️ Vote* on all chapters of your book and comments on all
6. *📝 Special Review*
7. *💬 Word-to-Word Interview*
8. *📚 Display* on last chapter board FOREVER
9. *🙏 Thanks* for joining forever
10. *🏆 Special Display* on next award in next season as winners

*2nd Place* 🏆

1. *💻 Follow* from 2 special accounts
2. *📢 Shout-out* on all members' pages
3. *📚 Special Cover* with award displayed
4. *🗳️ Vote* on all chapters of your book
5. *📝 Special Review*
6. *📚 Display* on last chapter board for a season
7. *🙏 Thanks* for joining forever
8. *🏆 Special Mention* on next award in next season

*3rd Place* 🏆

1. *💻 Follow* from 1 special account
2. *📢 Shout-out* on all members' pages
3. *📚 Special Mention* on last chapter board
4. *🙏 Thanks* for joining forever
5. *🗳️ Vote* on 3 chapters of your book

*All Other Positions* 📚

1. *💻 Follow* from our official account
2. *🗳️ Vote* on 5 chapters of your book
3. *📢 1x Shout-out* on our page

🎉 Good luck, and may the best writer win! 💫

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