First results[BEST BLURB]

95 15 21

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And remember, failure is the stepping stone of success.
Congratulations to all winners!!

Special thanks to the first judge to pass in her results and offered to judge the other ones.
Thank you so much ❤️ 😊

"The Awakening: Unleashing The Magic Within" by kazeeleeknow
1. Introduction and Hook (9/10)
- The blurb begins with an intense scene, immediately grabbing attention with a moment of
passion and conflict. The shift from the intimate encounter to the broader story of Arthur and
Matilda’s journey is seamless and engaging.
2. Character Introduction (8/10)
- Arthur and Matilda are introduced with interesting backgrounds and clear motivations.
Arthur’s royal lineage and ‘hidden beast’, combined with Matilda’s mysterious powers and
identity crisis, create a compelling setup. More specific details about their personalities could
add further depth.
3. Plot and Conflict Presentation (8/10)
- The blurb effectively outlines the primary conflicts: Arthur’s struggle with his inner beast and
Matilda’s journey to understand her powers and identity. The stakes are well-defined, with
potential consequences for their personal futures and the broader realms. Highlighting specific
challenges they will face could enhance the sense of urgency.
4. Language and Style (5/5)
- The language is evocative and somehow fits well within the fantasy romance genre. The
descriptions and emotional intensity draw readers in, especially the last dialogue, making them
eager to learn more about the characters and their world. The combination of royal trouble,
magical education, and a deep, personal and emotional conflict makes for a unique and
captivating premise.
5. Ending and Call to Action (4/5)
- The ending sets up the promise of an epic journey filled with mysteries, alliances, and
self-discovery. While the call to action is implicit, a more direct invitation to join Arthur and
Matilda on their adventure could make it even more compelling.
6. **Judge's Personal Opinion** (7/10)
- The blurb for "The Awakening: Unleashing The Magic Within" skillfully blends intense
personal moments with a broader, magical narrative. The seamless transition from a passionate
scene to the characters’ deeper struggles is impressive, and the details provided sparksignificant interest without revealing too much. Overall, it effectively sets the stage for a gun and
emotionally charged fantasy romance.
5-line Honest Review
"The Awakening: Unleashing The Magic Within" draws readers in with its vivid opening scene
and keeps them hooked with intriguing character backgrounds and conflicts. The seamless
transition from intimate moments to broader magical themes is well-executed. The blurb
promises a captivating journey of discovery, mystery, and romance, making it a must-read for
fantasy enthusiasts.
Overall Score: 41/50 or 82%

"Not My Little Sister" by lostlovefairy
1. Introduction and Hook (8/10)
- The blurb introduces Vinaya Nambiar, a fiery medical student, and her move to New York
City, effectively setting up the premise. The cultural and emotional conflicts hinted at are
intriguing and grab the reader's attention.
2. Character Introduction (8/10)
- Vinaya and Nithin are well-introduced, with clear descriptions of their backgrounds,
personalities, and the nature of their relationship. However, a bit more detail about their
individual motivations could add depth.
3. Plot and Conflict Presentation (8/10)
- The blurb outlines the central conflict of their attraction amidst societal and familial
expectations. It effectively sets up the stakes and the tension between their desires and
4. Language and Style (4/5)
- The unique elements of cultural and caste conflicts, along with the setting in New York City,
make the story stand out. Emphasizing these aspects more could further highlight its
uniqueness. The language is engaging and descriptive, fitting the romantic and dramatic tone of
the story. The inclusion of the excerpt adds a compelling glimpse into the characters' emotions
and interactions.
5. Ending and Call to Action (4/5)
- The ending poses a strong question about their future, effectively inviting readers to explore
the story. A more explicit call to action or a hint at the possible outcomes could strengthen the
6. **Judge's Personal Opinion** (10/10)The blurb for "Not My Little Sister" effectively sets up a romantic and dramatic story with
well-defined characters and intriguing conflicts. The cultural and familial tensions add depth, and
the excerpt provides a compelling glimpse into the characters' emotions. More emphasis on the
unique elements and a stronger call to action could enhance its appeal.
5-line Honest Review
"Not My Little Sister" presents an engaging romantic drama with well-developed characters and
intriguing conflicts. The cultural and familial tensions add depth, making the story stand out. The
blurb is compelling, but a stronger call to action and more emphasis on unique elements could
further enhance its appeal. Overall, it effectively piques interest and invites readers into the
Overall Score: 42/50 or 84%

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