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📝👋 _Boba Grand Award_ Writing Contest Genres and Entry Categories 🏆

🤩 We're excited to announce the genres and entry categories for our writing contest!


1. Romance
2. Teen Fiction
3. Horror
5. Fanfiction
6. Dark Romance
7. Poetry
8. Clubs (stories about school clubs or groups)
9. Fantasy
10: historical fiction
11: mystery and thriller

*Entry Categories:*

1. *Best Blurb*: Write a captivating book blurb that grabs our attention!
2. *Best Cover*: Design a stunning book cover that represents your story!
3. *Best Male Lead (ML)*: Create a swoon-worthy male protagonist!
4. *Best Female Lead*: Develop a strong and inspiring female protagonist!
5. *Best Plot Twist*: Surprise us with an unexpected and thrilling plot twist!
6. *LGBTQ+*: Write a story that showcases LGBTQ+ characters and themes!
7. *Best Content*: Submit a well-written and engaging story that resonates with us!

Enter your work in one or more categories to win exciting prizes and recognition! Good luck! 🎉

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