Chapter 1 - Marinette

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"Hello Mari-trash," Lila said. Alya giggled next to her.

"Please leave me alone," Marinette begged. She held her notebook close to her chest, afraid the two girls would take it.

Alya reached over and grabbed the notebook. "I wonder what horrible things we could do with this." She giggled.

Marinette began to cry. "Please give it back." She begged.

"Nope," Lila laughed.

"You should go kill yourself," Alya added, as she tore Marinette's notebook in half.

Marinette ran of crying.


Adrian walked into the locker room. Two girls were bullying a third.

He watched as one of the girls snatch the thirds notebook and later rip it in half.

With that, the girl ran of, crying.

"Hey you two," he said, approaching the two girls.

"Hello," one said, twirling her hair round her finger.

"Why were you bullying that poor girl?" He demanded.

"Cos she deserves it. No one likes her," said the other.

Adrian rolled his eyes, and went to follow the girl who ran


Sorry it's short and bad

Please vote and comment as that would mean so much to me

Multimouse out

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