Chapter 2 - Adrian

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Adrian finally caught up the girl. She had ran of to the roof, and was sitting on the edge.

"Hello," Adrian said, as he sat down next to him.

The girl edged away from him, looking scared.

"It's okay. My names Adrian," he said, reaching his hand out. "What's your name?"

"Marinette," the girl stuttered, as she slowly took Adrian's hand.

Adrian pulled her in closer and hugged her.

Marinette winced slightly and she quickly broke out the hug." I  should go." She stammered and walked of, looking really scared.

"What's she scared of." Adrian asked himself.

"I don't know. Why didn't you ask?" A little black cat said, as it flew out of Adrian's pocket.

"Can you follow her for me please," Adrian asked. "Please Plagg?"

"Fine," Plagg sighed, and he flew of to find Marinette.


Sorry it's short and bad

Please vote and comment, as that would mean so much to me

Multimouse out

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