Chapter 7 - Adrian

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"Hey, wait up," Adrian called after Marinette. "Why are you running?"

"Because she dousn't want to be with you," Chloe said, coming up behind him. "She told me she despises you in every way."

"I despise you in every way," Adrian countered, and he continoud to run after Marinette.

Adrian found Marinette sitting on the edge of the roof, crying into her hands.

Adrian went over and sat down next to her. "You okay?" he asked worried, and put his hand on Marinette's shoulder.

"Please leave me alone," Marinette cried, shrugging Adrian's hand of her shoulder. "If you don't, they will be even angrier."

"Who will be," Adrian said, concerned.

"Just leave me alone already," Marinette snapped.

Adrian obeyed. He went and hid.

Soon Alya, Chloe and Lila came over. They dragged her up and away from the edge a bit.

"What did I tell you about staying away from Adrian," Lila demanded.

"He came to me," stuttered Marinette, covering her face with her hands.

"Tch, tch, tch. Looks like we didn't send the message clear enough," Lila grinned.

Alya went behind Marinette, and held the poor girls hands behind her. Chloe passed Lila a knife. Lila took it and cut Marinette's cheek.

"Please stop," Marinette begged, tears streaming down her cheek.

"You won't be near Adrian again," Lila laughed. "Cos you would be dead."

Marinette looked at Lila, eyes brimming with tears. "Please no."

Adrian had enough. "Leave her alone," he said, coming out his hiding spot.

"Adrikins," Chloe squeled. "Wanna help us get rid of this annoying brat?"

"How could you do this?" Adrian hissed, as he walked over to them. He pushed Alya away from Marinette and helped her up.

"Because she wouldn't leave you alone, no matter how many times we told her to," Lila shrugged. "She should have been more obediant."

"No wonder she always ran when I went up to her," Adrian muttered to himself. "This has to stop." He said louder. "You can't do this."

"I can," Alya said, rolling her eyes. "I can do anything. I am Scarabella."

Adrian glared at her. "You don't deserve to be Scarabella," he hissed and grabbed her earrings.

"Hey, give them back," Alya cried.

"No, I am keeping them. You don't deserve them," Adrian glared at Alya, as her led Marinette away. "I am no longer friends with you three."


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