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You know how there's always instances where you'd ask yourself  'what would you do if you were in a situation like that?'

Of course you'd always have an answer of what you'll do, but you never truly know until you're actually placed in the situation.

That was me at present.

I'd finally though I had escaped from him many months ago, but no matter how hard I'd try, he always found me.

"I know you're in there, baby," I heard him say from behind the door, "I really don't wanna have to kick this shit down and you know I will, so why don't you just come out and we can go home."

I remained quiet as silent tears ran down my face. This wasn't at all what I'd imagined our life would be like.

There was a point in time where I loved this man with everything in me.

But now? He absolutely terrified me.

"I'm doing this because I love you. And to show you that you belong with me and no one else." he gritted through clinched teeth. He was getting angrier.

He was right, I knew he would bust this door down when he was fed up enough.

I had to think of an escape and quickly.

Before I could think of my next move, I heard a loud banging sound, before the door went filling off its hinges.

"There you are gorgeous," he smiled sinisterly, "you put up quite the chase you know that?"

With each step he took forward, I took back.

At this point I was more than terrified for the simple fact that this wasn't the Trey I married. The Trey I've known for so many years was sweet, kind, affectionate; the man I fell in love with. But, this Trey was a monster. His moods switched more than the weather. I'll never forget the first time I faced his other side.


All new and improved.
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