Chapter One

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Tossing and turning around in the bed, I sighed roughly and looked over, checking the time, 4:18am. And still no signs of Tremaine.

This is the third night in row that he hasn't been home, and it had me beyond worried. I tried calling him multiple times everyday, but no answer. I even tried calling some of his close friends and they haven't heard from him either.

This wasn't like Trey at all, so for him to just up and disappear like this without a trace was beyond me. The day he left he said that he was only gonna be out for a few hours, which then turned into 72 hours.

I mean, nothing bad happened between us that I could recall for him to just leave like this. No arguments, no nothing. We've actually been doing pretty good as far as our relationship goes.

About a month ago made two years since we've been married and things have been absolutely perfect between us as far as I knew.

So what the hell happened?

Waking up with little to no hours of sleep, I heard noise coming from downstairs.

Looking at the clock on my nightstand, I seen that it was almost ten-thirty in the morning.

Getting up from the heightened bed, I took the stroll out into the hallway and down the staircase.

The further I made it down the stairs, I realized the noise was coming from the kitchen.

Making my way off of the final step, I went in that direction now smelling food.

Upon entering, I seen Tremaine standing at the counter with his back to me and what appeared to be a large iHop bag in front of him.

Clearing my throat loudly, I gained his attention as he spun around looking at me with a large smile plastered across his face.

While I was more than happy to see that was okay, I was highly pissed that he was gone for so long.

"Hey, baby," he spoke, clearly seeming to be in just the greatest mood, "I brought you breakfast from IHOP, I know how much you love their french toast." Seriously?

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked ignoring what he just said to me.

He was acting as if he didn't just disappear for days without calling and that honestly pissed me off even further.

"I told you I was gon' be out for a few." he responded, shrugging lightly.

"You said you were only gonna be out for a few hours. Not a few days, Tremaine. What the hell?!"

"Why are you yelling, it's not that big of a deal for you to be trying to blow this out of proportion. Do you want this food or not 'cause I'll eat myself."

By now I was fuming. "You disappear off the face of the earth and then have the nerve to stand here and say that it's not a big deal? I thought something bad happened to you. Nobody knew where you were, and then you wouldn't even answer your phone. What type of shit is that?" He was acting like nothing seemed to be wrong with this situation.

Not saying a word, he just stared at me. If I wasn't mistaken, he seemed to have a look of agitation painted on his face.

Sighing lowly, closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them back.

"You know what? I'm just gon' leave this here and go upstairs to take a shower because you're being entirely too damn difficult. I asked you a simple fucking question that deserved a simple fucking answer and you just completely ignored that. So, I'ma just go on about my business while you figure what the hell you gon' do about this food." he snapped.

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