Chapter Three

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I swear this has started to become too much of a cycle when it comes to dealing with this man. Here we are five minutes to midnight and Tremaine has yet to walk through that door. I haven't even bothered to call him either. Honestly I was still a little shook from earlier. I just couldn't get that look that he had in his eyes out of my head. It was like he was a completely different person. This was definitely not the Trey that I've known.

Growing bored with the senseless channel surfing that I was doing to pass time, I got out of bed. I went downstairs to the kitchen to look for something to eat or at least snack on.

Flicking the light on, I walked around the counter and towards the refrigerator. After a searching for nothing in particular, I decided on a bottle of water.

Since I already came to the realization that I wouldn't be going to sleep anytime soon, I aimlessly wandered around. Soon enough, I found myself standing outside of Trey's office. I rarely ever went in there, but for whatever reason, I chose to tonight.

Pushing the door open, I slowly trekked inside. I turned the desktop lamp on seeing everything come into better view.

For a minute, I just stated down at his somewhat messy desk. Nothing was there except for his work laptop, some pictures of us and a pile of papers spread everywhere.

One particular piece of paper however caught my attention. It was a prescription paper prescribed to Trey.

Confused, I picked it up and stared at the name of the medication. Lithium. I've never heard of that before, nor did I even know that Trey was supposed to be taking it. I didn't know what it was for, but the curiosity in me made me want to find out. Maybe this can explain to me why Trey's been acting so strange lately.

"What are you doing?" I heard a deep voice boom, making me jump. I spun  around and seen Trey standing in the doorway watching me. I didn't even hear him come in. Discreetly, I hid the prescription behind my back, hoping he didn't notice.

When I didn't answer right away, he  walked further in stopping right in front of me. I looked down and took notic that his once bloody, swollen hand was now bandaged up. I looked back up to see him still staring at me.

"What're you doing in here, Morgan?" he repeated.

"Um, I-I just, I thought I left something in here." I muttered quietly. He looked at me for a moment, clearly not believing what I had said, but thankfully let it slide.

"Oh, well what's behind your back?"

"Just a water I grabbed out of the kitchen." I said holding the water up so he could see. He just nodded.

"Why you still up it's twelve in the morning, don't you have to work tomorrow?" He questioned yet again.

"I couldn't sleep." I said before finally deciding to ask a question of my own, "Where were you all this time?"

"Don't worry about it. Come on let's go to bed, you shouldn't have even been in here." he said before walking out. For a moment I just stood there trying to process what he had just said. Don't worry about it. But, instead of pressing the issue, I said nothing to avoid a senseless argument.

I turned the light off, tucking the slip of paper into my pajama pants in the process. I walked pass where he was by the door and went up to the bedroom.

The next morning, I woke up at about eleven to the smell of food. Confused, I looked to the right of me and seen that Trey wasn't there.

Getting up I went into the conjoined bathroom and sighed when I remembered that there was no longer a mirror. Grabbing my toothbrush, washcloth, and the mouthwash, I went to the hall bathroom to freshen up some.

Once I was done, I walked to the kitchen and seen a shirtless Trey standing at the stove. When he heard my footsteps, he turned around with with a big smile making his face.

"Morning, baby girl, how'd you sleep." he asked as I slowly made my way over to him.

"Good, I guess." I said slowly, still very puzzled at the sight before me, "What're you doing?" I asked, even though it was completely obvious. I just wanted an explanation as to why he decided to make breakfast and why he was so happy when he's been the complete opposite lately.

"Making my lady breakfast."


"I just felt like it," he shrugged, "now go sit down at the island and I'll bring it to you."

With my brows furrowed, I sat at the table and waited.

Five minutes later, he sat a plate before me that consisted of pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs along with a glass of orange juice.

Mumbling a thanks I picked up the fork and took a bite out of the eggs. Feeling eyes on me, I slowly lifted my head to see Trey starting intently at me.

"Is it good?" he asked, in which I nodded my head in an up and down manner, "good, well I'm about to head out in a few."

Walking to the side of me, he tiled my head back and pecked my lips before starting out the kitchen. If that didn't confuse me more than I already was...

"Oh, and don't worry about work, I  already informed them that you weren't coming in today." he stated, making me snap my head towards where he stood.

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"Just 'cause." he stated simply before quickly walking out before I could form a reply. Really?

Soon after I heard him yell out see you, followed by the door slam. When I was sure that he was gone, I got up, abandoning the half eaten plate at the counter. Making my way upstairs, I went into our bedroom and grabbed that prescription that I had taken from his office.

Grabbing my laptop, I took it out of sleep mode and went straight to my browser.

Once Google loaded, I typed in the name of the prescription. Soon after a plethora of results popped up. The first one however shocked the living hell out of me.

...can treat and prevent manic episodes of bipolar disorder.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself.

I was in complete disbelief but at the same time, everything was starting to piece together. And as I looked through all of the symptoms, they matched Trey's current behavior perfectly.

Elevated mood, anger, aggression, agitation, difficulty falling asleep, the list was endless.

It all makes sense now, everything that I've noticed him do points to being bipolar. I just never expected him to have it.

When we first met to the two years that we've been together, I've never seen him act out until now. And at this moment, I don't even know how to feel. I wanted to call someone, but it was like I was stuck. I was feeling a medley of emotions.

I just have so many questions that need answers.


Excuse any mistakes, I'll fix them later

Now you know why Trey acts the way he does.

Sorry for the long wait.

Chapter four is coming soon.

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