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"Mom Dad, where are you?" I was crying out in search of them. I could feel myself soaked in the dark room's hot air.

"Ouch," I whined, stumbling upon something. Bending down, I could vaguely see Mom lying on the floor. Tears rolled down my cheeks and made their way through the air to drop onto Mom's cheeks, which had now become all bloody and dusty.

"Mom wak-"

Not again.

Sweat rested on my forehead like beads. My hands travlled up to my sleep mask hastily, removing them before searching for my inhalers and PUMPP.

Okay. It's gone.

You're just fine.

I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, which said it was 4:47 in the morning. I shook my head in defeat because now I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.

Not after that nightmare.

Having nothing else to do, I started to read my emails when one of them caught my eye.

It was from Ethan Reeds.

What could he possibly mail me?

I mean, he is not even aware of my existence.

When I opened it, all I could do was stare at one word.


But I am a criminal defense lawyer. Also a family lawyer. Okay, now I get it.

After reading the mail, all I could think of was the poor six-year-old child whose parents are getting separated soon. As per my opinion, they should stay strong for the child until he is old enough to bear all of this.


I was at my office going through some evidence that I had recently collected for my ongoing case when Jennie, my assistant, informed me that Mr. Reed would be here in 15 minutes.

Ah, yes, about his divorce.

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