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I have waited for this moment for the past few moths. Yes, i'm going to confront her today. As i entered my house, i saw Mia sitting on the couch.
As soon as she saw me, she came running with a big smile plastered on her face.

"Ethan, i have something important to share with you" she said while jumping in excitement.
"Guess what, i have been invited to the Zenith Gala. Oh My Good Godd, i can't wait to choose what i'm gonna wear. We both can wear black, right?"

I was jsut staring at her. I mean how can she me so different. Like one minute she is behaving like we are stranger and the other, she is literally drooling over me and acting all lovey-dovey.

"Then black it is" she smiled.

Such a bitch, i thought.
"You should go with John"

"W-Why him? "

"I'll be busy for the next few moths because of our new project"
"John will drop you" i added.

John Walker was our driver. I could see the fear in her eyes when i mentioned John.

"Yeah.. John, our driver" she gave me a nervous smile.

"Or maybe John Carter can be your date, right Mia?"

"C-Carter w-who?" she stuttered.

"Your lovely boyfriend"

"Shut up Ethan"

"Drop the act, Mia. I already know everything that has been going on for the past 5 years. Don't you dare try to prove yourself guilty."

"Ethan, i was f-forced to be with him"

"Forced? Mia, you very well know my power. I could smash into pieces in just a few seconds. You had the option to come to me."
"Here, sign these by tomorrow morning" i said handing out the divorce papers to her.

"I can't let you go. I love you, Ethan"

"I'm very well known about you intentions. Just walk out of this marriage."

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