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Oliver, my assistant knocked on her door before holding it for me. I could see her eyes stuck on me as i entered.
"Good Morning Ms. Bennettt, Ethan Reed " I said shaking my hand with hers.

"Morning Mr.Reed, have a seat."

I signalled Adam to stand out until I'm finished.
I started, "As you must have already read my mail, you must be known of the reason behind my presence today."

She hummed while shaking her head in response before asking, "Mr. Reed, before taking a huge step i need you to think over this because it is not just you and Mrs. Reed involved in it but also your son. I think you should maybe try to sort it out else it may go heavy on the poor kid."

"Ms. Bennettt-"

"You can call me Amelia"

"Amelia, I have thought about this over a thousand of time and i'm totally aware of my actions. Just so you know, Mia hs been cheating on me since the start of the marriage. I can tolerate hate but not betrayel so i'm taking this step known of all the consequnces that i might face. To be honest, my son, Aiden was a mistake. We were never really expecting but didn't want to hurt the baby as well so chose to keep him. Mia, she is a very careless woman. She was with Aiden only for the first 3 months after his birth. I wasn't left with any other option than feed him the formula milk. Mia and I have fought over this endlessly but she seems to be more interested in her modelling career than our family. I need Aiden's custody, Amelia. He is everything to me. I have not pleaded to many before but please all I am asking is for my Aiden" .

"Umm..Well, Mr. Reed, I can trust that you're saying the truth but we do need to collect some evidences against Mrs. Ree-"

"It was never Mrs. Reed, call her Mia"

"Yes, so we need to collect a bunch of evidences against Mia especially a few with the person she cheated with." she said to which I hummed in response.
"Before filing for the divorce" she added.

"Okay, I still haven't brought up that yet in front of her so she won't think twice before doing shitty stuffs with her boyfriend" I said with anger fuming inside of me.

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