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It's here!

I glanced at Mia and her lawyer. Mia's expression was one of defiance, her confidence almost unnerving. She wore a tailored suit that screamed sophistication, but I knew that beneath the polished exterior was a mother who had neglected her responsibilities in favor of an affair and a lavish lifestyle.

But wait... Is it him?!

It's him, Daniel Larkin.


Mia has hired him, didn't she?

Out of all the bitches in the country, why does it have to be him?!

As the judge took his place, the courtroom settled into a hushed silence.

"This is the custody hearing for Aiden Reed," Judge Stevens began, her tone neutral. "Mr. Ethan Reed, represented by Ms. Amelia Bennett, versus Ms. Mia Adam, represented by Mr. Daniel Larkin."
"Are you ready?" I asked, my voice steady and reassuring.
Ethan nodded, though his eyes betrayed a hint of anxiety. "I have to be. For Aiden."
Judge Stevens continued, "We will hear opening statements. Ms. Benett, you may begin."

"Your Honor, today we seek to establish that Mr. Ethan Reed is the more suitable guardian for Aiden Reed. Over the past few years, Mr. Reed has demonstrated unwavering dedication to his son's well-being, while Ms. Adam has shown a pattern of neglect and irresponsibility. We will present evidence and testimonies that will make it clear where Aiden's best interests lie."
Daniel rose next, his demeanor polished. "Your Honor, my client, Ms. Adam, acknowledges her past mistakes but contends that she has made significant strides to improve her life and re-establish a relationship with her son. She believes that a shared custody arrangement would be in Aiden's best interests, allowing him to benefit from the love and support of both parents."

I noted the strategic vagueness of Daniel's statement. He aimed to sow seeds of doubt without addressing the core issues directly.

"Very well," Judge Stevens said. "We'll proceed with witness testimonies. Ms. Benett, your first witness."

"Your Honor, I would like to call our first witness, Ms. Carla Johnson, to the stand." I stated.

The door to the witness room opened, and a woman in her late forties walked in. She had a kind face framed by shoulder-length, graying hair and wore a simple but professional dress. Carla Johnson was one of Aiden's teachers, known for her dedication and genuine care for her students.

As Carla took her seat and was sworn in, I approached her with a reassuring smile. "Ms. Johnson, could you please state your occupation and your relation to Aiden Reed?"

"I am a second-grade teacher at Westbrook Elementary School, and Aiden Reed has been my student for the past year," Carla replied, her voice steady and warm.

"Thank you. Can you describe Aiden as a student?"

"Aiden is a bright, inquisitive boy. He's always eager to participate in class and has a genuine love for learning. He's also very kind to his classmates and well-liked by his peers."

I nodded. "And can you tell us about Mr. Ethan Reed's involvement in Aiden's education?"

Carla's face lit up with a smile. "Mr. Reed is one of the most involved parents I've ever encountered. He attends every parent-teacher conference, volunteers for school events, and regularly checks in with me about Aiden's progress. He's genuinely interested in ensuring that Aiden not only performs well academically but also feels supported and happy at school."

"Can you give us an example of Mr. Reed's involvement in Aiden's extracurricular activities?"

"Certainly. Last semester, we had a school talent show, and Aiden decided to perform a magic act. Mr. Reed spent countless hours helping Aiden practice his tricks, even building a small stage setup at home to make sure Aiden was comfortable performing. He came to the school early on the day of the show to help set up and stayed through the entire event to support Aiden. It was clear that he wasn't just helping out of obligation but because he wanted to share that experience with his son."

I could see the judge taking notes, clearly interested in Carla's testimony. "In your professional opinion, how would you describe the relationship between Aiden and his father?"

"They share a very close bond. Aiden often talks about the activities they do together, like hiking, reading, and building projects. He looks up to his father and feels very secure and loved in his presence. It's evident that Mr. Reed is not just a provider but also an active, nurturing presence in Aiden's life."

"Thank you, Ms. Johnson." I turned to the judge. "Your Honor, no further questions."

Mr. Larkin, Mia's lawyer, rose for the cross-examination. "Ms. Johnson, you mentioned that Aiden talks a lot about his father. How come he never talks about his mother?" he asked trying to prove as if she were lying.

Carla paused, choosing her words carefully. "Aiden does mention his mother, but not as frequently. When he does, it's usually in the context of missing her or wishing she could attend certain events."

Larkin nodded, pacing slightly. "Would you say that Aiden's academic performance or social interactions have been negatively affected by his mother's absence?"

Carla took a moment before responding. "Aiden has maintained good grades and positive relationships with his peers. Any impact seems to be more emotional than academic, and he's fortunate to have a strong support system at school and with his father."

"Thank you, Ms. Johnson. No further questions."

As Carla stepped down, I felt a sense of satisfaction. Carla's testimony had clearly painted Ethan as a devoted and involved parent, crucial for their case.

The judge called for a short recess, and I took the opportunity to speak with Ethan. "Carla's testimony was very strong. It should make a significant impact."

Ethan nodded, a hint of relief visible in his eyes. "I hope so. Aiden means everything to me."

"We'll keep pushing forward," I assured him. "One step at a time."

As the courtroom reconvened, I prepared for the next phase of their case, feeling confident that they were on the right path to securing Aiden's future with his father.

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