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I have been working on collecting some evidences against Mia and her boyfriend. Its almost going to be a week now and all i know is that his name is John Carter, who is one of the executive officers at Coors. Mia has been the ambassador of Coors for the past year. By connecting the dots that i have now, i'm guessing she's trying to sleep her way up at Coors.

This is all the information in my file which has to submitted to Mr. Reed tonight. All i could think of was his disappointed face when he finds out this is all i could ever do.

"Come in" He said in a very sharp and crisp voice.

"Mr. Reed, here is the file" i said grabbing his attention towards the file.

"You can call me Ethan and about the file, I already had my private investigator dig into this matter. Sorry for not letting you know." he said handing out a black file.

Why is everyhting black in here?!

I opened it to see photos of them holding hands, having there private time and etc etc with the dates mentioned in the corner. One of them had a date which dated back to like 5 years ago. That's when they probably started dating i guess. Turning over, i found a page filled with all the informations of John including his height, the way he dresses, his likes and dislikes, his history, geography and science-

Hang on gurll, its no geography and science.

Shut up consy.

I was just struck by how it had everything precisely and perfectly mentioned. A huge smile plastered on my face as i looked at Ethan because the main part of the case has been done and dusted.

"Thank you"

"I should be the one thanking you, Amelia" he said smiling.

Ohh Mahh Gawdd, did he just smile at you. yourheartu is going to goo booooooom boooooom Amy.

Shut up consy.

"Here's the contract", i said handing out the contract which legally made him my client and me as his attorney.
He went throught that for a couple of minutes befire signing the contract. I had already signed it before.

"Thank you, Amelia" ,he said shaking his hands with me.

His hands were so hugecompared to mine. Damn.
Okay don't get distacted, Amy.

"I will make sure that justice shall be served".

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