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(Two years ago)

"How are you feeling? Yesterday was such a huge success," Siya said, smiling as she sipped her coffee.

I smiled at her question. It was Sunday morning, and everything around felt so happy and lovely.

The coffee shop we were in was an upscale place, filled with the aroma of freshly ground coffee and the soft murmur of contented patrons.

Elegant chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden glow over the rich mahogany furniture.

Large windows let in the morning sunlight, illuminating the art pieces that adorned the walls-each one a testament to the creativity of the local artists whose work was displayed in the nearby studio.

The atmosphere was vibrant and invigorating, a perfect reflection of my mood.

"Happy but excited," I replied. "I met so many people yesterday. You know Mr. Kapoor? He gave me his card and wants me to contact him. And even Miss Mira from the Jaipur Art Committee reached out to me."

I was over the moon, practically buzzing with the opportunities that had come my way. "And guess what?" I asked, my eyes wide with excitement, eager to share the news with Siya.

"What?" Siya asked, just as excitedly, her wide smile contagious.

"She invited me to her office. She might offer me a position as a potential member in their committee."

"No way!" Siya exclaimed. "Sam, that's such amazing news! The Jaipur Art Gallery is a well-known name. It's basically a society of elite members who excel at art. I'm so happy for you."

"I know, right? I couldn't sleep yesterday; I was so giddy," I said, still floating on cloud nine.

I couldn't wait to share the news with Avya when she got home after her shift, around afternoon.

But then, a small knot formed in my stomach at the thought of Vrit. He still hadn't answered my calls or messages, which was concerning.

After this coffee shop stop, which I planned to thank Siya, I was going to stop by Vrit's place.

"Siya, thank you so much. You are an excellent event coordinator."

She just shrugged. One thing I noticed about Siya was that she always hated compliments.

Whenever I told her planning was perfect, she always went out of her way to spot something wrong with it.

She was such a sweet, hardworking girl. Maybe only one or two years younger than me, yet she had stars in her eyes and the same determination to fulfill her dreams as I did.

"Don't flatter me, Sam. It's all you. I was just doing my job. Besides, I still think the entrance theme could have been better."

See? That's what I said-she spots mistakes, even if it's perfect.

"Siya, the entrance theme was perfect," I stressed each word, and before she could counter, I continued, "Besides, I'm here to thank you. Trust me, I loved your work. It was perfect."

"If you say so," Siya said, still being shy about it. "Also," she added as if she just remembered something.

She pulled out a maroon red package with a golden border from her purse, handing it over to me.

I frowned, looking at the package. Silently, I asked with my eyes, What's this?

"I don't know what's inside. A very questionable man handed it to me to give you," Siya said, her lips pursed as she gave it to me.

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