I'm done

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"I don't like this plan. It's really fucked up if you want my opinion."

"Good thing I don't care."

"What if it doesn't work?"

There was no come back to this question. The forest was too silent. None of the birds and others little animals could be heard. The two men who were talking stopped near a big house. Everything was silent because it was late at night. Then the door opened and a tall woman got out. She walked straight into their direction and stopped at five feet. Her eyes were red and glowing in the dark. In response, one of the men's eyes glowed in blue.

"Stop it Jackson."

"What are you doing here?" the woman asked.

"We are waiting for the hunters."

"Wow, I'm sure she will put her trust in us now that you said that, Stilinski," Jackson mocked.

"I don't need her trust. I need to kill these bastards before they burn her whole family. Deal with her if you like to."

Stiles looked through the branches in silence. Both Talia and Jackson fixed him with astonishment. One was surprised by his presence while the other was wondering where the sweet and sarcastic boy went. Before any of them could pronounce another word, Stiles took his gun and stood up with efficacy. Seeing him so concentrated, it was clearly not the first time he had a weapon in his hand. He shot three times consecutively and had no other options but to move if he didn't want to be seen.

"How did they know?" Kate yelled.

"Their dog of a son must have told them he was seeing you," Gerard replied.

Stiles tried to kill them but he was not fast enough. They were able to start the fire and to prevent anyone from getting out. Talia didn't hesitate any longer and started the fight to save her pack. Jackson jumped in and occupied Gerard with whom he had unsolved affairs. Stiles, on his side, took a knife from his tight and cut his hand in a used gesture. He could hear the Hale family waking up and screaming. Some of them tried to break the window but they still couldn't go. He sat down after tracing a symbol with his blood. A violet light circled him. Talia and Jackson were done with the hunters without aggravated injuries.

"What is he doing?" she asked.

"Saving all of our ass," Jackson answered.

It took a few minutes before the fire started to reduce and be absorbed by the violet light. Then the Mountain Ash circle broke, allowing everyone to get out of this house. Talia immediately looked at each of them to see if they were hurt. Stiles needed Jackson to stand up because it was a difficult spell.

"You saved my family. I will be forever grateful. You seem to need sleep, we can provide for you."

"I don't need your help," Stiles said violently.

"Excuse his manners, the boy had a rough day," Jackson said.

"How did you know they were going to attack us?" Laura asked. "And who are you?"

"We are from the future," Jackson answered. "Lots of bad things happened and we needed to arrange everything. Stiles wanted to go back in time alone. I had to grab him during the spell to come with him."

Suddenly someone shot in their direction and Stiles was touched. He didn't even look at his injury; instead he used his gun to shot back at the last hunter who hid his presence very well. He missed and he didn't have any ball in his charger so he threw his gun and started a hand fight with the person. He was really good and he succeeded in cutting the throat of the hunter with the knife he had on his tight. To be certain he was dead, he planted the knife on his heart. Now he was completely covered in blood, not that it bothered him. He had seen worst.

"I know Kate was a bitch who manipulated you, but next time, chose your lover more wisely, Derek," he said with anger.

"Okay now, what is happening?" John (Derek's father) asked.

"I'm sorry mom, dad, I swear I didn't know. She said... She said she loved me and... I didn't know, it's my entire fault..."

Talia hugged her child even though he did a big mistake in not talking to her about Kate. They just escaped death; it was not the time to ground him. Then she turned towards the two men who came from the future.

"We'll talk tomorrow. We need to sleep."

Jackson accepted to enter the house but Stiles didn't. Even when Talia made her eyes glow he refused to go inside. Instead he sat under a tree and took care of his injury by himself. He was still awake when the sun rose and everyone went outside to have a breakfast altogether.

"Is he always like this?" Cora asked Jackson.

"Annoying and acting like a brat? Yes."

"He's angry," Helen (an aunt) said.

"What happened in the future for him to be..." John asked.

Stiles interrupted their conversation by approaching the long table. His eyes were empty of feelings. It was the void in his eyes.

"I'm leaving. Don't try to look for me."

"What? But... you're not serious right?" Derek said. "You're hurt and-"

"And unlike you, I'm an adult without a pack so I do as I please."

"What do you mean 'you're leaving'?" Jackson asked.

"I'm done with all this shit. I want a place where I can grow old and die peacefully."

"And what will I say to Melissa when I'm back in the future?"

"You can't. There are no such things as the multiverse. There is only one past, one present and one future. By saving the Hales, we erased the future and this time becomes our present. We can't go back."

Stiles grabbed an apple to have something in his stomach whilst on the road. Jackson stood up with an angry face.

"So you trapped us here? And you knew it? You bastard!"

Stiles didn't hesitate to defend himself and broke Jackson's arm.

"I knew it, yes. I always intended to live another life here. What I didn't know was that you were going to grab my arm when I casted the spell. Don't blame me for your actions."

"Why would you choose to start a new life all alone?"

"Because they're dead! Every person I cared about is dead and I have nothing left. I fixed everything and I'm ready to go because I am fucking tired of the death, the danger, the werewolves and all this shit."

Stiles let go of his friend. He looked like a thousand years when he was only nineteen.

"I'm done."

Stiles casted a spell then he disappeared. Jackson looked at the void then he growled in pain. His last friend was gone, maybe forever.

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