CHAPTER 40: family

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it's the next morning after the heist
you and all the pogues are outside greeting big john
johnb comes outside and sits down
jb: um guys I need to tell u something
p: sure what's up man
jb: um well we went to the archives in Charleston and it was a dead end
you look at him
Johnb refuses to look at u
p: so that's the gold gone and the cross and now we can't even find the rest of it
jb: I'm sorry guys we tried
pope gets annoyed and walks off
c: he will come round
Cleo goes with him
k: so now what
jb: idk
kiara walks off too
jj looks at him knowing he is lying
y/n: I've never met such awful liars in all my life
jb: excuse me
y/n: u heard me you both are lying
jb: we didn't find anything what do u want us to say
y/n: u lie about going off finding things together then u lie about how u have not found something
d: it was for ur safety not telling u
y/n: my fucking safety what do u no about that u left and we had to live alone
We had to figure shit out ourselves
I was kidnapped , I've been shot at , watch the closes people to me nearly die and have psycho mom fuck up our lives so I think I can handle a little bit of a treasure hunt ok
Sarah and jj stay quiet
d: look I'm sorry about that but
you cut him off
y/n: no dad u listen to me Johnb has always been ur favorite child don't act like he isn't
because I wasn't interested in the same things as u growing up I was second best and now ur doing it all over again
Im so sick of this shit u leaving then coming back and treating me like I don't even exist
im done with this family
routledges are suppose to stick together but ur treating me like I'm mom
you walk away with tears down ur face
jb: sighs
d: dw son she will come around
jb: she doesn't realize how important this is
j: oh she does she just wants u to appreciate her and as of right now ur not
jb: jj I get ur dating my sister and all but u don't need to tell me how to be a brother as u don't have siblings
s: johnb *shouts
j: I may not have any siblings but at least I know how to treat people with fucking respect
ever since u have came back you have become a asshole idk what has happened to u but you need to fucking sort ur shit out now and if it's u or her on the line
I'm choosing her
he walks off and runs to u and wraps his arms around u
you cry in his arms
j: it's alright *puts his head on urs
you keep crying
j: how about we go to our little place
you nod yes
j: cmon let's go
you go to the place that just urs and jjs
it still looks the same as before
you sit on the mattress that is on the floor
y/n: I never forget when u first brought me here
j: me either
y/n: was special *smiles
j: smiles* it was
he watches u
j: I spoke to Johnb when u left
y/n: what did I say
j: I told him straight to stop treating u like shit
y/n: thanks
j: it's alright I'm getting sick of him as much as u are I don't like how he is hurting u
y/n: he is being a asshole he will learn eventually but Johnb gets so caught up with my dad then forgets I exist
j: I would never forget u exist
y/n: and that's why ur my bf
j: smiles and kisses ur lips* I love u
y/n: smiles* I love u too
you go back to jjs house while jj goes to get his job back
you get a phone call from jj hrs later
y/n: hey how did it go
j: I'll tell u later but rn u need to help me find pope
y/n: is everything ok
j: not really he has ran off with his dads gun
y/n: omg
j: meet me and Tanny hill
y/n: okk I'm on my way
you quickly run to tanny hill and see jj their
y/n: hey did u find him
j: no but i can't see rafes car either
y/n: wait jj why are u bothered about that ?
j: Rafe burnt the cross
y/n: WHAT
j: I know
y/n: god I hate him so much sometimes wby would he do that
j: drugs probably
y/n: ughhh
he hugs u
j: I know it's frustrating but we still have El Dorado to find right
y/n: I guess ur right
j: cmon let's go home
you go home on the back of jjs motorcycle
you go and lay on the couch outside of jjs house
as his house is up for sale
you don't wanna go home with ur dad and jb atm after today
you get comfy on the couch outside and put ur head on his chest and end up falling asleep
jj cuddles u and holds u close to him
he stays awake watching you sleep for a while
a hr later the Twinkie pulls up with just Johnb inside
he gets out and leans against the Twinkie
jj gets up quietly and stands on the patio
He glares at him still annoyed
jb: I know u hate me rn but I need my bsf rn ok
j: sighs
you wake up slowly and look over and listen
jb: my dad has been kidnapped by Mr Singh and they are going to South American
your heart drops
jj looks at him In shock
jb: idk what to do j ok my dad is gone and idk if im ever gonna see him again
he sits down stressed
jb: jj how are we getting to South America
j: sits down next to him* no clue but we will figure it out
puts his arm around him
Johnb puts his head on him
j: we are pogues remember we always figure something out
you get of the couch and go and hug them both
as much as ur angry at ur brother u want ur dad back and that means family sticks together

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