Chapter 3: Training & Isamu's hidden past

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Isamu then picked up Friomon as he got ready to head downstairs to meet up with his father for training.

"So how do you think your father will handle meeting me?" Friomon asked looking up at Isamu.

Isamu glanced down at Friomon."Well knowing my father at first he most likely will be suspicious, but then see your presence great for training," He explained.

"So then he will accept me being here," Friomon stated.

Isamu nodded as he opened his bedroom door and headed downstairs with his plate in one hand to put in the sink before heading to the dojo for training.


Ismau walked out of the kitchen with Friomon as he left the house and walked toward the back leading towards a hill since his family house was more on the outskirts of the neighborhood. He then arrives at a red large shrine that resembles a martial arts dojo.

"Yeah well here we go," Isamu said walking inside the dojo where he saw his father doing stretches

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"Yeah well here we go," Isamu said walking inside the dojo where he saw his father doing stretches.

"Good you are here on time," Felix stated glancing over at Isamu as he touched his toes."What with the snake with the frilled collar?" He asked looking Friomon in Isamu's hands.

"Right this is Friomon we met during my walk earlier today," Ismau explained as he placed Friomon on the ground.

"That's right and I'm Friomon the Digimon partner of Isamu and I'm here to help him train," Frimon replied with a nod and eyes full of determination.

"H, I don't know about you though if you think you can help my son then you can stay," Felix said with a nod.

"I show you what I'm made of," Friomon growled in determination as his body glowed brightly,

"Friomon digivolves too... Liollmon," Friomon said as the bright light faded, and then appeared in his place was a more feline-looking creature in front of Isamu's feet.

 Liollmon," Friomon said as the bright light faded, and then appeared in his place was a more feline-looking creature in front of Isamu's feet

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"Well that was unexpected guess your determination to prove yourself made you digivolve," Isamu commented impressed.

"Alright, enough chatting time to get started!' Felix commanded snapping his fingers.

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