Chapter 4: The Day before the Entrance Exam

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It was now one day before the Unity Academy entrance exam. Isamu, after five whole months of training, has developed a nice build of muscles from all his hard work.

Isamu was currently spending his last day before the entrance exams sitting in his room in his red armchair, reading one of his favorite books with Liollmon lying on the floor beside the left of the chair

"So what are you reading?" Liollmon asked.

"Oh, just a story about a boy from a poor family who became a great knight and married a princess, " Isamu replied. "My mom would read it to me every night before bed when I was younger," He stated.

"Oh, is that you got into being a hero one day Master Isamu?" Liollmon asked.

"Well, not exactly sure it inspired me to become the best hero I can be," Isamu commented, closing his book. "Through it was something more that drives me to use my powers to become a hero," He stated, clenching his fist with eyes full of determination.

"Mind telling me?"

"Isamu-kun are you awake breakfast is ready?" Aimi called out from downstairs.

"I'm awake Mother," Isamu replied standing up and placing his book on the armrest."We can discuss this more another time," He said walking towards the door with Liollmon following closely behind him.


Isamu and Liollmon headed downstairs and entered the kitchen where they saw the family sitting at the table eating omelets, bacon, and apple slices.

"Good morning," Isamu greeted as he took a seat across from his father and next to his little brother as he pulled the plate in the center of the table towards him.

"Morning Master Isamu family," Liollmon greeted walking over to a red bowl full of berries.

"So you didn't sleep in on your day off?" Aimi asked smiling at her oldest son."Also morning Liollmon," She greeted warmly glancing at Liollmon

"Of course, he knows despite it being a day to relax he shouldn't waste it sleeping in," Felix stated.

Isamu simply shrugged as he focused on eating his breakfast.

"Oh Felix quit being so serious," Aimi said smacking her husband on the back.

"Yeah, why you got to be so hard on big brother?" Kenji asked looking up from his apple slices.

"Ismau understands very well why and it's not because I don't care about him," Felix replied glancing over at Isamu who was sitting at the table across from him quietly seeming deep in thought.

"Excuse going to meet up with Harurki," Ismau standing up and taking a final bite of his breakfast.

"I'm coming!" Liollmon called out as ran towards and followed Isamu out of the kitchen.


Ismau was now dressed in a grey shirt underneath a black jacket along with red sweatpants and black sneakers.

He walked outside the house and was greeted by his buddy Haruki who was wearing a yellow leather jacket with black pants and black and yellow shoes.

"Nice jacket," Isamu commented.

"Thanks brought it yesterday my old jacket was worn out from training," Haruki replied."So what should we do today?" He asked.

"You two didn't make plans yet?" Liollmon asked.

"I was actually thinking we should get some cookies as a celebration for all our hard training," Haruki stated.

"Sounds good the closest cookie shop is Grandma Amano's cookie shop down the street to the left," Isamu said pointing down the street leading out of the neighborhood.

"Cookies," Liollmon commented.

"Yep Grandma Amano's are great the owner is actually my mother's mom, the full name is Haruki Amano," Haruki said kneeling down and stroking Liollmon's head.

"You see his mother's family is a long line of bakers and his grandma specialist in cookies," Isamu explained.

"You humans have so many careers," Liollmon commented.

"I guess at least it is not only to fight like Digimon," Haruki stated as he and Isamu started walking toward the cookie shop.

"Hey, we Digimon do more than fight sometimes."

Isamu chuckled softly as he and Haruki made their way to get some cookies to celebrate their five months of training and the progress they made.


Later that day Isamu spent the rest of his day spending time either hanging outside taking in the fresh air with Liollmon or playing a game with his younger siblings.

Now Isamu was getting ready for bed when his younger brother came into his bedroom.

"Hey, Isamu-nii can I ask you something?" Kenji asked.

"Sure what is it?" Isamu asked putting on a cotton orange shirt as he walked away from his dresser.

"Do you think it possible for anyone to be a hero even without powers?" Kenji asked curiously.

"Well yeah there are plenty of heroes out there with powers," Isamu stated smiling at his younger brother."Are you asking because you have no powers like Kei so far I've been the only child to show powers and I was younger than you two," he stated walking over and placing a hand on Kenji's head.

"I think being a hero does sound interesting," Kenji commented.

"Well if you want to be a hero you can be one even without powers just have to find your path," Isamu said."Now I need to get to bed."

"Right your exam is tomorrow goodnight Ismau-nii," Kenji said hugging his big brother before leaving the bedroom.

"That boy interesting," Liollmon said lying curled up at the foot of the bed.

"Yeah he something alright," Isamu said with a chuckle as he climbed into bed ready to drift off to sleep."Tomorrow going to be a long day can't wait to see how the entrance exams go," He mumbled as he closed his eyes for the evening.

Chapter End!

Here is the fourth chapter of The Birth of the Forezen Leopard. In this chapter, Isamu spends the day relaxing with Liollmon and Haruki on his day before the Unity Academy entrance exam. Kenji even asks his older brother if anyone could be a hero without power, which Isamu tells him is possible. In the next chapter we will jump into the excitement of the entrance exam for Unity Academy where new characters will be introduced was going to be in this chapter but decided this was a good enough chapter.

I hope you enjoy the new chapter.

Thanks for reading!

Question of the chapter: How do you think the Unity Academy entrance exam will go?

Word count: 1023

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