27. Crowning

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In Hastinapur,
All the royals had gathered for the coronation of the rulers of their kingdoms.

Including, Hastinapur, Gandhar, Anga, Kosala, Dravida, Trigant, Avanti, Lanka, Magadha and Heheya.

Chitralekha sat alongside Yashoda, Radha, Kripi, Gandhari, Arshi and Svarnasundari.

Similarly, their husbands sat together.

Then entered the current rulers followed by the potential new rulers.

Dury- Today, marks a new beginning for Aryavrat.
Tarini- We rulers, are now going to pass down our rule, to the future generations.

That's when Kamakshi got up and addressed the praja and said.

Kam- Our reign has completed its tenure, hence, today we pass down the responsibilities to those, who'll further our Vansh.

After which kulguru kripacharya got up and said.

Kripa- Let's start the first kingdom, Gandhar. I call upon Gandharaj Shakuni and Maharani Arshi!

Shakuni and Arshi went to the center of the ground and said.

Shak- I Gandhar Naresh Shakuni! Proclaim, my son, Uluka as the next Maharaj Of Gandhar!

Uluka came in the center of the ground and Arshi did his Rajya tilak.

Then, Kripacharya did the coronation ceremony of Uluka.

After which, Shakuni crowned his son, while Arshi gave the family heirloom to Subhadra, which all the queens of Gandhar wore.

Kripa- Now, the Samrat of Hastinapur, Duryodhan and Samragini Tarini!

Both came in the center and said.

Dury- The new samrat of Hastinapur is, Lakshman!

Then Tarini come in front and said.

Tarini- My father, Bhargava Parshuram had created a kingdom with his powers, the kingdom of Surparaka! I was entrusted with looking for an heir to the kingdom, which I found.

My putri, Uttar priye, Lakshmana!

Uttar and Lakshmana looked at them with grace. Their coronation was done, then came Jarasandh.

Jara- I, Samrat Jarasandh name my son Vidyut as the new Samrat of Magadha.

The coronation of Vidyut happened, then came the time for Neil.

Neil- Being the blessings of our Ancestor, I name Kartavirya as the new Maharaj of Heheya Rajya.

Then Dushala said.

Dushala- On the other hand, we name, Amrita as the Maharani of Mushika Rajya!

The coronation of Kartavirya and Amrita was done, then Maharishi Pulastya came and said.

Pulastya- I Kulguru Pulastya, call the Maharaj of Trigant Eklavya and Maharani Kamakshi!

Both came in the center of the ground and said.

Eklavya- I Trigant Naresh Eklavya, have two kingdoms. Hence, I name Kian as the new Trigant Naresh!
Kam- On the other hand, as we discussed, we name Shriyaani as the new Maharani of Nishadha Rajya.

Kamakshi paused and then said.

Kam- On our request, Dev shilpi Vishwakarma has turned the land of Nishadha into an entire new kingdom.

After their coronation, Kamakshi stayed as Karna came. They both whispered amongst each other thinking and then they nodded.

That's when Kamakshi went to Ashwatthama, Reyansh, Eklavya and Vivitsu. She whispered and they nodded.

Karna- Priye and I have come to an agreement. The new Angarani is Yadhavi!

The praja was silent, they thought that Anshiva would be the new Angaraj. That's when, what Kamakshi said, stunned everyone including Anshiva.

Kam- The new Samrat of Dravida is Kardama Shishya Anshiva!

The kingdom known to be the most prosperous kingdom, was given to Anshiva.

While other siblings would get jealous, the kids of Kamakshi smiled and congratulated their brother.

Karna- We are not done!

All looked at Karna in confusion as their children were allotted the kingdoms the Kamakshi said.

Kam- The first ever child I held in my arms was Suchitra. Ruhi is the Samragini of Mathura, hence, I Kamakshi announce her and Vansh as the new rulers of independent Kanchipuram!

After which, the 3 were coronated. Then Vivitsu came in the center and said.

Vivi- I, Vivitsu, announce my son, Rudraksh as the new Samrat of Kosala!
Kam- And, Putri Rudrika is the new Samragini of Pandya Rajya!

After their coronation, Ashwatthama came in the center and said.

Ash- Since, Sinhala and Lanka are close, we name Rohan as the Samrat of both the kingdoms!
Kam- And we name Svastika as the new Maharani of Konkana!

Then came Reyansh and he said.

Rey- Our beloved daughter, Anustuthi is the Maharani of Saurashtra. Hence, I Avanti naresh, Reyansh, announce Vayushrestha as the new kingdom of Andharaka.

Then Kamakshi said.

Kam- Me, Nath Reyansh, Swami Ashwatthama, Radheya, Arya Vivitsu and Arya Eklavya will henceforth stay in the kingdom of Avanti.

After that, the remaining were coronated and then there was an after party.

On the other hand,
Yudhisthir looked at his allies and said.

Yudh- They want blood, they will get blood. The war is on and we will send no Shanti prastav!

In Hastinapur,
After getting the letter, Kamakshi said.

Kam- Then there shall be no Shanti prastav. But they have challenged us, so I have an idea ...

Author's note:-

How was the chapter?

What do you think about the coronation?

Which is your favourite one?

Which took you by surprise?

How was the coronation of Suchitra and Lakshmana?

Declaration of war, happy?

What idea does Kamakshi have?

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