Chapter 4 - Getting to Know You (part 2)

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Jake looked through every room. Luke had given him a short tour around the house earlier, and now he was on a hunt for the pinkette. Milly sneaked up to him "BOO!" Jake yelped and fell on to the ground "Seriously!? This is the second time!" Milly laughed and landed on both feet. "Whatcha' lookin' for anyway?" "actually I was looking for you" "oh, well here I am!" Milly had a smile before her face twisted into one of confusion. "Wait, Why were you looking for me?" she inquired. "Well, Hailey gave me a mission, to try to get to know everyone better" Milly looked at him before she understood fully "Ooooh, so you want to try to get to know me" "Yeah, pretty much" Jake said while the pinkette helped him up. "Well, I have an older brother, older sister, my parents and-" she bit her lip a little "I used to have a pet cat" "Used to?" Jake questioned. "Yeah...she died when she fell off a cliff I was playing near" The pink-eyed girl saw the look of distress in the older's eyes, and immediately tried to make him feel better "But don't worry! I swear, I'm fine now!" Jake looked uncertain but chose to listen to her. "Well, Hailey said that the prophecy included a devil of royal blood. So are you, like a princess or something?" Milly's face twisted in annoyance, and she rolled her eyes. "Yeah..I am. And I absolutely hate it!" She exclaimed. The blonde slightly jumped from the sudden exclamation. "Really?! Why?" The pinkette huffed and answered "Because..." she started "You always have these stupid responsibilities, and you have to be all fancy and 'proper' its annoying" She rambled putting 'proper' in air-quotes. Jake tried to listen carefully. Something he was failing at, due to the speed Milly was speaking at. "So when Hailey came to our part of the Dark Forest, to tell us that I was one of the 'children of the prophecy' you could imagine my excitement. I was outta that hell in no-time flat!" She paused to look at the blonde. "Sorry, too much?" she asked. "Nah, I managed. How'd you meet the others though?" At that moment, Luke came in "Hey Jake. Are you still asking about people?" Jake was about to reply when Milly retorted "I'm here too, y'know!" She huffed in annoyance and Luke playfully rolled his eyes "Sorry Milly" "Well anyway. You asked me about the others. Well, I've known Sean since I was born. I met Hailey, when she came to tell me about the prophecy. And I met Luke and Zander when she brought me and Sean to this place" She paused to catch her breath, a smirk plastered itself on her face. "Did you know that Lukey over here only talks about personal stuff with tree branches" Luke's face flushed "Not true!" he argued "Uh-huh. And Hailey doesn't really know what half of her potions do" "Wait really?!" Jake exclaimed, he found this surprising. Hailey seemed confident enough to know what she was talking about. "But get this." Milly wasn't finished exposing everyone yet. "Did you know.. That Zander prefers dic-" she began. There was a flash of black before a gloved hand covered the pinkett's mouth. "I thought we agreed that there would be no language when he's in the room!" Sean whisper-yelled and pointed towards Luke. "Oh shut up, he's 16 for hecks sake. He should know this sorta stuff" Jake watched while the two friends argued, mouth hanging open. "How the hell do you keep appearing out of nowhere and cutting people off their sentences?!" He yelled at the ravenette. Who opened his mouth but then closed it, he tapped his chin thoughtfully. "I honestly don't know dude" he said shrugging. Jake looked at him with a look that said 'You can't be serious right now?!' Luke walked away muttering something about getting new friends. Sean started to walk outside now that the sun had set. He exited still glaring at the pink-skinned devil, who was smirking deviously. Not wanting to be involved with the pinkettes' plans, Jake ran after the midnight-eyed male.

He followed him outside, where he saw the male on his knees in the grass. Holding something fluffy in his hands. Jake went to join him. He realized the fluffy creature was a rabbit. Jake gasped jokingly, pretending he was horrified. "You're not going to eat that are you?!" Sean chuckled "Nah, I only drink the blood of dead creatures, not living ones, like this cutie" He said snuggling his nose in the rabbits fur. "Hey Jake?" "yeah?" "What are humans like?" Jake looked confused but answered anyway "Well, I mean, from my experience. Humans are kind and somewhat dense. I mean, there's a war and we haven't noticed. Like who does that?!" Jake yelled, dramatically throwing his hands in the air. Sean chuckled "What do they think about creatures like us, though?" Jake went silent, he recalled his lessons at school. When his teachers, parents, and even his best friend, Drew had said that the creatures in the forest were nothing but monsters. Sean noticed the change of demeanour in the younger, "Don't worry, I already know.." Jake looked away but tried to change the topic "Yeah...But why'd you ask? Have you been to the village before?" Sean looked into the crimson eyes of the snow-white rabbit, smiling slightly "Once...But that was a while ago" Jake was surprised, "Really?! Why were you there?" Sean held the rabbit close to him. "Well, One of my closest friends lived there. He was a half-blood vampire. One day, Milly, my sister, my friends Sadie and Elliot, and I went to visit him." Jake listened carefully, not wanting to miss anything, but his brain held a few questions 'sister? Sadie? Elliot?' who were these people. No matter now, he listened again, "The sun had already gone down, so we all played around a little. But then..I got hungry" the boy clutched the rabbit harder, burying his face in the face, a tear slipping down "I don't know what came over me but..I was starving and..He was standing right there so I-" He stopped. What he said made Jake's eyes widen. "...I sucked his blood" Sean was now crying, Jake didn't know what to think. The boy in front of him, the same boy that had welcomed him, that had been so enthusiastic so far...had really killed someone. He walked over to the crying male and hugged him, not knowing what else to do, the ravenette hugged back. Both stayed silent before pulling away. Sean wiped his tears as he thanked Jake for understanding "I've vowed never to drink human blood ever again" "I know. Oh by the way, what was your friend's name?" "Liam, his name was Liam" Both boys stood up, smiling at the rabbit as it hopped away. They're sightseeing was interrupted by a panting Luke that came running toward them. "Guys, They found us" Jake looked scared, "Who?!" "The Shadows" "They're here.."




Word record: brocken

I swear. i was multitasking so bad.

I was doing my homework, 'What if's', and this fanfic at the same time, and somehow i manged to deliver something (crappy, but something)

My (late) birthday gift for Drew (pffffft- remember how i posted a chapter on Zandys birthday too)

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