Chapter 6 - Blood and Bonds

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It had been almost a week since the group fled from the shadows, the ground was now hard and cold. The snow got heavier, the further they went into the forest. They were all tired, and hungry. Milly made sure to make that clear. "UUUUGH. I'm tired and hungry, can we please stop now!?" She whined, Zander annoyedly stared at her "Oh, I'm sorry Your Royal Highness. But we're at war, and practically running from death!" The pinkette growled at the name. Zander started to slowly walk towards her, before Hailey grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back. "Zander, Milly...I know we're all tired but we have to keep moving" "Hailey's right guys, we only have to get past this hill and we'll be with my pack" Luke said enthusiastically. Milly groaned, "That's what you said TWO hills ago" "Well, can't we eat something before going further" Jake piped in, "No chance. The grounds frozen solid, so that cancels out roots or anything like that" Luke sighed "And thanks to the stupid cold, all the animals have already gone south!" Zander complained. Milly was about to say something salty, when they heard a 'thump.' The teens turned to look behind them.

Sean had collapsed and was on his knees panting heavily. Milly rushed over and knelt down to the taller male. Luke and Jake looked concerned. Hailey and Zander exchanged a worried look. Before Zander muttered loud enough for everyone to hear "Fuck..." Jake looked at him "What? What's wrong?" Hailey answered him, "He's hungry..." Jake's eyes widened, he turned to look back at the ravenette. He seemed to be struggling to stay upright, Milly was shaking his shoulders, trying to snap him out of whatever was possessing him. The older let out a growl, eyes fixed onto the blonde male. With a swift movement, he was back on his legs, running for the hazel-eyed male. Two strong hands grabbed his waist and pulled him back. Milly was sweating, with a scowl on her face, as the older struggled to get out of her grip. The rest of the teens looked at the male in shock.

Luke turned towards the teal-haired girl. "Don't we have any more blood?!" Hailey shook her head, terrified. Luke bit his lip hard, his fangs causing a thin line of blood to drip down his chin. The act only made the vampire even more livid, his movements got stronger as the pinkette struggled to keep the ravenette still. Jake looked at the others, "Isn't it possible to just let him have a little of our blood?" "He hasn't eaten anything for days! If he has any of our blood, then he'll kill us!" "Zander's right Jake. Vampires need human blood at some point, and since Zander, Hailey, and I, are half-bloods, then he'll end up draining us for blood!" Luke explained. The brunette's words sent the blonde into thought. He turned towards the wild ravenette, still struggling, and said something that shocked the others. "What if he drinks my blood instead?" "Jake, are you MAD?!" Zander yelled "Think about it! I'm completely human, so if he drinks my blood, then I might still have a chance to stay alive!" Zander and Luke exchanged a look, even Milly looked concerned. "It could work..." Hailey muttered thoughtfully, before looking at the blonde "But Jake...Are you sure you want to do this?" Jake looked confident and nodded. "You said it yourself Zander. There aren't any animals left, so we don't really have a choice" But the truth was, he was quite nervous about it all as well. He looked into the midnight eyes that had been so bright the day they met. Now, all that was left was bloodlust. Jake gulped, nodding at the pinkette. Milly bit her lip, uncertain. But before she was able to protest, the ravenette broke free from her grip, and leapt for the blonde.

Jake felt a hard thrust, before slamming into a tree. Sean wasted no time at all, biting down on the crook of the boy's neck. Jake gasped, tears spilling. He clenched his fists, never before had he felt this much pain, and it hurt more knowing one of his friends was causing that pain. Hailey covered her face, and Luke turned away. Zander bit his lip, but stayed on guard. Milly looked nervously at the ravenette and the blonde. Remembering all too well what happened that night. Jake groaned at the pain. When he felt something wet on his shoulder, he assumed it was his blood, but when he looked down, he saw the tears that streaked Sean's cheeks. 'He doesn't want to do this..' Jake thought silently before looking back at the others. He tried to smile, when a pain shot through his body, his arms were going numb, and the grip of the Vampire was tightening. Jake's breathing became heavy and unsteady. Milly alarmingly grabbed the ravenette, and pulled him off the blonde. Zander rushed to Jake, "His pulse is slowing!" Zander yelled. Jake heard more yelling, it all came out muffled to him. His vision blurred, he saw blurred flashes passing by, before white spots covered his eyes, and he passed out...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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