C̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞p̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞ T̳̿͟͞w̳̿͟͞o̳̿͟͞

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Y/n woke up to the first light of dawn filtering through his curtains, feeling more rested than he had in years. Standing up the younger Parker twin stretched, feeling his body relax as he looked yawned before his ears twitched and he tensed up once again, eyes darting around his room, looking for the sense of the ticking noise, almost as if something was tapping against the wood.

His eyes slowly landed on a photo he had hung up on the wall across from him, eyes not only focusing on the item but seemingly zooming in as his vision became crystal clear, watching the spider crawl across the wooden frame, each time its leg hit the frame, an echo would reach the man's ears.

Y/n ignored the shiver running down his spine as he dressed and went downstairs where his aunt was already busy in the kitchen. "Morning, Aunt May," He greeted with a smile as he walked over to the table.

"Y/n, you're up early," She pointed out with a smile as she turned to place a pancake on the stack.

"What can I say, I feel like a new person this morning," Y/n chuckled as he grabbed a cup and poured himself some coffee. "Never been more ready for a day," He added as he drank the still-hot liquid.

"Careful," Aunt May warned him as she continued with the breakfast.

"I'm alright," Y/n smiled as he washed his cup out and put it away. "Hey, I'm gonna grab a pancake or two for the road," He said as he took a napkin from the cupboard and slid it into his pocket. "I wanna get to school a little earlier today for some studying."

"Okay, be careful, you didn't look so well yesterday."

"Yeah but today I feel perfect, so I'll see you later," Y/n smiled as he rolled up to pancakes and grabbed his bag. "Tell Uncle Ben that I'll see him when I get back, love you!" He called out as he closed the front door behind him and made his way to the roadside.

The pancakes were finished in minutes and Y/n got the napkin to wipe his hands and mouth off as he made his way over to the nearest rubbish bin, lifting the lid and throwing his tissue away as he looked around at the empty roads before dropping the lid or at least, trying to as he watched the lid hang from his hand or actually stick to his hand.

"What the..." Y/n paused as he just stared at his hand in confusion, shaking it a few times before the lid peeled off and fell down again, the echo sounding like a gunshot in his ears, causing him to flinch as he moved away from the bin.

Y/n stumbled back slightly from the noise as he inspected his hands for a moment before shaking his head and walking off again, glancing over at the bin a few times as he did so until it was completely out of his sight.

Y/n usual fast pace had eventually become a stroll as he took in his surroundings, the noises and the bright lights around him, he was experiencing a sensory overload as he took a deep breath and made his way into an alleyway to just get away from everyone and everything for a moment. "Maybe I wasn't so perfect this morning," Y/n scoffed to himself as he leaned against the wall.

Buzzing, Y/n kept hearing buzzing moving around his head for a moment before his arm snapped up and the buzzing stopped, Y/n pushed off the wall and looked at his hand to find that he had grabbed a fly between his index finger and thumb. Y/n let go of the insect and backed into the wall again.

"Have I taken drugs?" Y/n asked himself as he rubbed his face for a moment before pushing off the wall again. "Let's just get to school..." He began as he walked away only to be cut off when he felt his arm get yanked backwards. "What... The..." Y/n mumbled as he inspected his hand, his fingers sticking to the wall. "Again?" Y/n growled as he pulled away from the wall only to watch dust lift off as his hand pulled paint off the wall.

Spider-man (Sam Raimi's Trilogy) [Male Y/n Parker Story]Where stories live. Discover now