C̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞a̳̿͟͞p̳̿͟͞t̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞ T̳̿͟͞h̳̿͟͞r̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞e̳̿͟͞

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Y/n sat with his legs crossed, his book on his lap as he wrote some stuff down, working on some work that he had been putting off from school for these past few days. He had been so completely lost in thought that he had almost missed the knocking on his door, looking up as he let go of the book and it fell past him as he stood up, his pen also falling out of his hand and dropping past him and onto his bed as he looked around his upside down room, doing a front flip as he unstuck from his ceiling and fell to the floor with a light thud.

"Yes?" He smiled as he opened his door to find Aunt May standing there.

"Is everything alright?" She asked as she inspected her nephew for a moment, basket in hand as she did so.

"Of course, just working on some work," Y/n explained as he motioned to the book and pen on his bed. "Got nothing much to do on a Saturday I guess," He joked.

"Okay then," Aunt May hummed as he looked down the hall. "You know, you're brother's been acting weird lately, what's going on?"

"Probably girl trouble," Y/n laughed at his own joke while his aunt seemed to only grow more concerned. "Joking, Aunt May, it's probably school work getting to him, I'll talk to him real quick."

"Alright," May smiled before walking off as Y/n walked out and closed his door, making his way over to his brother's room and knocking twice before pushing the door open, the chair getting shoved away with force.

"Wait!" Peter yelled from inside but it was too late, Y/n had walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Such a mess!" Y/n roared as he looked at the webs all over the room. "If Aunt May and Uncle Ben walked in to find white stuff literally hanging from your roof, you'd be so dead," He laughed as he stood there for a moment.

"Y/n, I can explain..."

Peter was cut off when he watched Y/n crouch slightly before jumping, easily reaching the ceiling with a flip, his feet sticking to the top of the room as he walked over all the webs, jumping down from the roof as he reached Peter's bed. "I really should tell Uncle Ben to talk to you, not spend time with your family because you'd rather be in your room shooting your web everywhere..." Y/n laughed as he sat down across from Peter.

"Wait, you too..."

"Wait, you still drink Dr Pepper?" Y/n asked, shooting a web out to yank the tin from Peter's grasp, inspecting the tin before tossing it back at his brother. "No wonder it took you so long to get this far with your powers."

"This far?" Peter mumbled as he looked at his brother, still clearly confused before realization dawned on him. "You were also bitten at the lab?" He asked and was answered in the form of a 'no shit Sherlock' look from his brother. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, to be fair, neither did you," Y/n motioned to all the webs around the room.

"Fair," Peter let out a sigh. "So, we got the same stuff? Spider powers?"

"It does look like it, but I'm just learning faster apparently."

"Well, it isn't a race..."

The two brothers just looked at each other for a moment before Y/n scoffed. "What the suit for?" He chuckled as he looked at his brother's newest invention.

"It's nothing..." Peter hummed as he looked away from his twin before letting out a sigh. "There is a wrestling event, three thousand dollars and they want colourful characters so..."

Y/n just looked at his brother for a moment before shaking his head. "The jokes are so obvious that I can't even get pleasure from making them..." He muttered to himself as he stood up. "So, how are you getting there? Swinging?"

Spider-man (Sam Raimi's Trilogy) [Male Y/n Parker Story]Where stories live. Discover now