Chapter 1: Stranger Neighbors

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The next day went by in a blur of boxes and furniture. I hardly had time to myself since my parents wanted us to be completely moved in without any boxes left, 'Otherwise we'll never finish unpacking' my mom had said.

She had a point, not like I'd ever tell her.

I had also started painting Jay's room much to his delight. So far only one wall was finished. It was a deep ocean theme with dark blue waters and various marine life that he liked. I was the most proud of the shark I had painted for him, he thought it looked cool but to me it was kind of endearing, they had cute eyes.

There were some things I snuck into the mural like a kraken living inside a sunken ship in the back and a diver's skeleton behind some coral. When I finished the mural I couldn't help but smile as he studied his new wall, excitingly announcing the animals he noticed to me.

The other walls I gave them the same base of dark blue to start out and told Jay that we could add more to his walls together, an idea he really seemed to like.

For my room I had painted the walls a dark forest green, I didn't have anything special in particular planned yet so I held off on adding anything. Maybe I'll get some sort of inspiration later. My room was mostly decorated as well, but I was being fickle with where I wanted my belongings placed. It was also too soon to hang anything on my walls since the paint would take a few more days to dry. School also wasn't supposed to start for me until next Monday, today being only Wednesday.

Suffice to say I was bored with nothing to do.

I knew nobody in this town and had no idea where anything was either. So might as well go explore, right?

With a huff I got off of my bed and opened my closet, changing into my ripped baggy jeans and flannel with a CoRn band tee underneath.

"Fuck, where's my Docs..." I muttered, rummaging through the mess on the floor of my closet. I finally found them hidden behind my carryon and shoved my feet in them, listening to the comforting creak of the leather. They were a bit work and were due for some much needed TLC. Something for me to do later maybe.

I grabbed the key to my room and locked it as I left, slipping it into my pocket. Can't have the kids wandering in there. I knew my parents were doing some final decorating in their room so I headed towards their door, knocking softly and going in when I heard a muffled 'Come in!'

My mom was organizing their shared closet while my dad was replacing the old ratty ceiling fan with a new one. My dad saw me first and smiled "Hey Ro, whatcha need?"

I shifted my feet, "I was just gonna head out, maybe look around town or something? Get a feel for where everything is I guess." Mom's head peeked around the closet doorway, looking at me before sharing a look with Dad.

"I know you guys are worried after... After what happened but I feel okay. No, um, urges. And it's still daylight, I don't plan on being out after sunset." I hurriedly explained before either of them could reject my idea.

"Plus it'd be good to be more familiar with the area and-" Mom cut me off with a hand to my shoulder.

"I know sweetheart, we trust you, it isn't that. It's just that with the house being by the lake it's a little out of the way of the town. It will take a while to walk there." She fixes me with a look, a half-smile on her face.

"I- Wait. That isn't why? Do you mean..." I trailed off in confusion. No way. Were they gonna give me the car?

Dad spoke up as if reading my mind "Right, so go get the keys and drive around town. Maybe while you're at it you can pick up a few groceries from the store? There's some cash in my wallet and the keys are by the door." Reaching into his back pocket he took out his wallet and tossed it at me, grinning when I caught it despite my dazed look.

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