Chapter 2: New Kid

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Luckily neither Larry nor Sal had witnessed me nearly falling on my face from being tossed out the front door. The two seemed to be in a conversation that died out as soon as I got back into the car.

"Sorry for the wait I was talking to my mom." I huffed as I buckled my seatbelt.

"Dude, you took like, two seconds." Larry cocked a brow at me and I shrugged in response.

"I felt bad leaving you two in the car, anyway what's your address aren't we hanging out?" I gave Larry's shoulder a good swat before backing out of the driveway and heading back towards civilization.

The address was slightly familiar and he explained that he lived in Addison Apartments, which explains why he asked if I lived there. It was a few minutes out from the town but close to the local high school. I noticed during the drive that we passed a decently sized cemetery, caged in by rusted iron fences. The entrance was an old fashioned victorian gate with the words 'NEVEROAK CEMETERY' arched above it. As I looked at it the graves seemed to span over the hills and beyond into the treeline.

Sal pointed out the way to the high school from where we were despite us not directly passing it. I thanked him for the directions that would effectively save my ass Monday morning when a new building came into view. It looked incredibly old, with dark stonework that built up into what looked like a chapel of some kind. The side of the building was nearly devoured by dead brambles, not an inch of living ivy in sight. For some reason I got a strange feeling looking at it, like my subconscious was recognizing something was wrong before my conscious mind could. And then it hit me.

There were no windows.

No beautifully made arched stained glass to adorn the walls, just cold stone brick. My family was by no means religious but I still saw my fair share of churches and cathedrals, this looked nothing like a standard Christian chapel.

Maybe they weren't Christian?

But the more I thought about it the more I thought it didn't look like any sort of Temple or Mosque that I've seen.

We were close enough that I could get a good look of the front of it, and I could see old tattered banners flanking the doors. They flapped with the light breeze and bore a pattern I was unable to discern while we drove past.

This had to be some New Age shit.

"That's the Phelps Ministry-" Sal began but was cut off by Larry. "Fuck that creepshow."

I raised my brows in surprise and glanced at Larry who was slouched down in his seat. He was clenching his jaw, the muscle relaxing then pulling taut with each grind of his teeth.

"Not religious I take it?"

Sal continued as if nothing had happened, "It isn't that. The son of the preacher is our age and in our grade. He's..." He shifts a little as if uncomfortable. "Troubled I guess you can say."


Larry's damn-near cracking his teeth. "No, he's a fucking asshole. Rowan you're your own person and shit but I'm telling you, don't bother with Travis. All he does is pick fights and try to bully people." Whoever this Travis was he seems like bad news if it gets someone like Larry, who has been nothing but beyond easygoing, on the verge of shattering his teeth.

"I'll take your word for it. I wouldn't worry though, I tend to deal quite well with bullies." A grin settled across my face as I recalled some of the fights I had in previous schools. Whether it was about my being adopted or comments about my appearance there seemed to always be some kind of asshole itching for a fight.

"Woah dude, that is one serial killer grin." Larry laughed, immediately relieved by my answer. He seemed to slip between moods easily, or maybe this Travis was a real sore spot for him.

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