Chapter 7: Unfortunate Discoveries

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Todd had somehow hacked into the Addison Apartments' cameras to loop security footage as he promised. Which was fucking frightening, what high school student could hack into a damn security system?

Their belief in his abilities were apparent by the way Sal and Larry had no issue loitering in front of Mrs. Packerton's door with no concern in being caught.

Larry was picking the apartment lock open with a fucking paperclip of all things. Soon we heard a click and Larry pushed the door open, throwing a smirk over his shoulder. I looked at Sal and he just shrugged, following after Larry.

Looking inside, the apartment was dirty with the same green carpet and stained yellow wallpaper as the rest of the building. I was surprised the carpet inside didn't crunch as I stepped on it.

But I guess whatever god existed didn't feel too kind because instead the place reeked. Once we shut the apartment door the stench became even more apparent: it was actual literal shit.

"Fuck dude what is that smell?" Larry had his hand over his nose and mouth, fighting off his gags. I could only imagine how scrunched up my face was as I tucked my nose into my shirt, my eyes close to watering.

"Let's hurry up so we can get the fuck out of here." Sal sped over to the kitchen while Larry got to unlocking one of the apartment doors. I trailed after Sal, wanting to inspect the kitchen. This was the most obvious place to get answers from.

"A padlock? This isn't looking good." I muttered, the fridge was locked and had a metallic smell to it, the meat had to be in here.

Sighing, Sal got to work unlocking the padlock while I started going through cupboards, trying to find anything that could be of use. The rusty hinge creaked loudly as I opened a cupboard, it was full of fine china that had gathered a layer of dust. The other cupboards were in similar states, there was a lot of dust and just plain cutlery.

I gazed around the countertops, seeing if there was old packaging or maybe even a contact list. If Mrs. Packerton ordered meat from a farm then she would have their contact information.

Or better yet, receipts of purchase.

But these cupboards had nothing but regular shit and dust bunnies. The pantry was no better either, having barely anything in it besides cans of preserves and crackers. "Fuck does she eat..." I muttered, closing the pantry.

"Guys," Sal called, "come look at this." He was holding the fridge door open, eyes wide at what was in the fridge. Larry quickly made his way over as I approached from the side, the three of us looking into the fridge.

There was a head.

A goat head, but a severed head nonetheless. Sitting in a pool of sticky, dried blood that turned brown in its oxygenation. The fur at the base of its neck was matted with its eyes glossed over. It didn't look particularly fresh.

"I KNEW it was goats! Fucking called that shit man!" Larry yelled as he grabbed Sal's shoulder.

"Poor thing..." I couldn't help but frown. For some reason I felt like it didn't have a peaceful death.

"I feel like it can't be that simple." Sal murmured, "Let's see if we can get into those bedrooms." As Sal spoke I continued to study the inside of the fridge, trying to note anything out of place. While a bit covered in blood I noticed what appeared to be etchings of a ritualistic symbol along the sides of the interior.

"Aaalllriiight..." Larry's tone disbelieving as he wandered back towards the bedrooms, but I didn't look. The symbols seemed so... intricate. Purposeful. Was this really used as a simple source for lunch meat? Or something else entirely?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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