Chapter 5: Meet the Family

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With Sal and Larry deciding to stay until my parents are here, I offered for them to join us for brunch. Sal seemed a bit nervous but agreed while Larry's entire face lit up at the prospect of food. Sal had teased him, comparing him to Chug. Larry lunged for Sal and the two ran down the stairs laughing loudly, effectively forgetting to be quiet.

I rolled my eyes and made my way down the steps and witnessed Larry grab Sal from behind in a full-body tackle. Sal had the wherewithal to toss the books onto the couch before he hit the ground. I winced at the loud thud, walking past the two as they wrestled on the floor.

"Get off Larry you fatass!" Sal huffed as he slipped out of the taller boy's grasp. "I'll show you a fatass when I suffocate you to death." Larry stood up, hands resting on his knees as he panted.

"Are you two goons done?" I gave them both a stern look, hands on my hips. The two looked up at me sheepishly before nodding. If I rolled my eyes any more they would fall out of my head at this point.

"Sit your butts on the couch. I'll be in the kitchen," I spoke over my shoulder as I entered the kitchen. As I took out ingredients Sal popped his head in the door, "Rowan do you need any help?" his hands fidgeting, appearing nervous.

I smiled at him as I took a pan out from the cupboard, "thanks but I'll be okay. You guys are guests it isn't right to make you do work." But Sal made no indication that he was going to move, instead he spoke up again, "then could I keep you company? I wanted to ask a bit about the books too." I dropped the pan on the stove a bit harder than I intended, startling the both of us.

What did he want to ask? My hands shook a little as I added ingredients to the pan. "...Sure Sal, what's on your mind?" I didn't face him, keeping my focus on the pan and the flickering flame coming from the stove top.

Sal walked in and sat at the island counter, by the sound of fabric moving and the drag of the chair against the tiled floor. I could feel his stare boring into my back. "Am I able to borrow the mythology book as well? I understand if not, it seems really important to you," his voice was kind, but I focused in on the last sentence—it seems really important to you—not a question but a statement.

A fact.

Nodding I turned to face him, placing my palms on the counter as I leaned back slightly. "It is important to me, but you seem like the type to take good care of books." Pausing, I debated my next line of questioning before deciding to continue anyway, "but there won't be anything on ghosts in 'Werewolf Legends and Mythos'."

"I know," Sal's bright blue eyes were staring into mine, "but you made it sound interesting." His mask shifted signaling he was smiling and my neck grew hot. I didn't think my rambling would be enjoyable to listen to.

"Then maybe I should read up on ghosts then." I felt the soft smile spread across my face, and Sal averted his gaze for a beat.

"Speaking of... Rowan do you believe in ghosts?" I blinked owlishly, not expecting this turn in conversation and nearly laughing at the absurdity of it. "Like actually?" I couldn't stop the slight laugh in my voice. Sal nodded, tone steady and serious as ever, "Yes actually."

Chewing on my lip I crossed my arms, looking down at my feet as I thought it over. When I finally answered I spoke slowly, considering every word. "I... Suppose so. I haven't ever seen one or had a paranormal experience," I shifted slightly, the experiences I've had were not ghostly in nature, but still far from normal. Sal didn't need to know about this though.

"But there are plenty of things that can't be explained in the world so, why not? And before you ask I think the same goes for aliens, I mean come on we know nothing about space!" I talked animatedly with my hands, looking back up towards Sal. He seemed surprised at my last statement but nodded, "I agree. We've been friends for a while now and I trust you, you seem open-minded."

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