Chapter 4: Special Interests

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Catching up on classwork wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It also helps to have friends willing to help catch you up to speed. True to his word Sal had given me the notes he made, and even offered to help with some of the harder problems. Surprisingly, Todd had also offered to help me, so by the time my second week passed by I was already caught up.

It had already been a month since we moved. Jay and Maria were settling in well, having made some friends at their new school. Jay also seemed less mad about the move, even apologizing to me the other day.

Jay stood outside the door to my room while I sat at my desk, his gaze on his socked feet that were absently drawing shapes on the floor. "Um, Rowan? Could I tell you something?" Jay wouldn't look up at me.

"Of course," My tone soft, "do you want to come in?" I added as he seemed particularly skittish today. He nodded slowly, shuffling inside towards my bed, sitting on it with his hands in his lap.

There were a few seconds of silence before he said anything, his gaze stuck on his hands as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

"M'sorry." He muttered, blinking rapidly as his eyes turned glossy. Immediately I sprung out of my seat and went to him, kneeling in front of him.

"Woah woah, what's the matter JJ?" I wiped a stray tear with my thumb.

"Bein' mean to you... I'm sorry Rowan," Jay hiccuped, "I'm sorry." I pulled him into my arms and squeezed him tight, his face burrowing into my shoulder as he sobbed.

Shushing him I rubbed his back, "It's okay JJ. It's okay, you were just upset. I know the move was hard."

I held him while he cried, repeating apologies until he was out of tears. Slowly I pulled back, brushing his hair out of his face, it was red and splotchy. Tears and snot stained his face, he had cried hard, chest stuttering as he tried to catch his breath.

He really was an ugly crier.

The thought nearly made me laugh but I held it, smiling at him. I didn't expect him to apologize, and I knew it was hard for him to stand here crying his heart out. My affection for my little brother surged, and I leaned to kiss his forehead.

"Thank you for apologizing. I'm proud of you," My tone soft and loving, making sure he knew I appreciated the gesture. He nodded, scrubbing his face with his sleeve before giving me a smile in return.

I stirred the spoon in my bowl of cereal, gazing absentmindedly out the window while Maria watched her cartoons. With each gust of wind the trees shook and a kaleidoscope of leaves flew by. The forest surrounding Wendigo Lake was a splotchy landscape of red and yellow hues. It was gorgeous outside, we were finally in the throes of autumn with Halloween nearly around the corner.

Sal, Larry, Ash, and Todd had been discussing Halloween plans for weeks. Larry and Ash did most of the planning while Sal and Todd were happy to follow along, the latter including his boyfriend Neil.

So far the plan was to try to get away with trick or treating as near legal adults, then to retire back at someone's place to watch horror movies and eat ourselves sick with candy.

At first we were going to have the sleepover at Larry's but then he got the bright idea to try to get me to host, 'Cause you're new!' he had said.

I wasn't opposed to the idea and surprisingly my parents weren't either.

We would have full access to the living room, Maria would have an early bedtime and I didn't mind if Jay was around. Larry nearly broke my back from how hard he hugged me in his excitement.

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