part 1- Coming Home

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(attire just without the watch and handkerchief)

As a man walked down the streets of Small Heath, Birmingham men and women moved out of his way men tipped their hats and women nodded their head to him some saying good morning while avoiding his eyes as if just looking at them would kill them, the man just kept his quick stride to his wanted location being the Garrison a pub him and his brothers frequented

When the men in the pub noticed him they quieted down, he didn't stay in the main area for to long as he had went into the snug where his brothers sat to talk
Another had just got off the train with a couple bags he looked around and took in the dreary atmosphere for a brief second before he started to walk with a small limp and a stick in hand to help him walk smoothly up to the man behind the ticket booth "excuse me sir, do you know where a pub named the Garrison is?" The man behind the booth gave him an odd look but gave him directions anyway "thank you" he said before walking off to the pub in question

As he walked some people noticed him and moved out of the way to be polite and some didn't care too much and bumped into him, once he was at the Garrison he went inside some of the regulars noticed but the noise didn't quiet down, the bartender moved to his direction behind the bar when the man went up to it and set his bags down next to him "what can I do you for ya?" The bartender asked him, when the bartender registered his face he gave a look of surprise.


"Hey Harry, how are you?"

"I'm good mate!, where've you been? I was confused when I didn't see you around, thought ya died"
Harry joked but there was some truth in it, Harry noticed after two days that Ian wasn't coming to his bar and generally wasn't even on the streets like usual especially when Tommy was around, it was odd and saddened him, Ian could tell, he could read people easily but he went with it "yeah sorry, had to fall back with my leg and some left over grenade in me" Harry nodded in understanding "I assume your looking for Tommy?" Ian nodded "or at least one of the family members, but yeah" Harry gave him a sympathetic smile "sorry, not sure about them they've been busy recently but I can tell them you stopped by and were looking for them" Harry knew how close Ian was with the family but wasn't sure if the boys wanted to be disturbed currently since things were changing heavily with them, he noticed John and Arthur were mostly the same with some negative additions but Thomas changed the most he became colder and hardly ever acted like himself before the war and with that Harry wasn't sure of how he'd react to seeing Ian after so long.

Ian's smile changed to a sad one but he nodded "I understand, just tell them I was here" as he spoke the door to the snug opened and a young man walked out first but immediately stopped to look at him "holy shit..." The boy with a toothpick said, the object looked like it was about to fall out because of his shocked expression, Ian turned to him and seemed to brighten, the pub was a bit quieter "hey John, you haven't changed much" Ian said casually, John was still in a surprise state before he smiled brightly as he replied "you don't look like a child anymore!" he joked as he walked up to making Ian laugh "can't say the same for you mate, you still look like you should be in school" some of the people went quiet at this but soon calmed when John laughed.

John then moved to hug him and Ian reciprocated as two more men walked out "well look who's back from the dead" The one with a moustache said in confused surprise, when Ian let go of John he looked at him "hey Arthur you old bastard!" Arthur laughed at this and hugged him tight as well once he let go he looked at the last brother.

"hey Tom" he said calmly as he had a slightly bigger smile "hey Firefly" Tommy hugged him as well a little tighter than the other two like he was afraid if he let go he would fade away and Ian hugged back with the same tightness, "come on let's catch up, I'll get ya a drink" John told Ian once him and Thomas let go Ian nodded and John told Harry a glass of white rum as Thomas, Arthur, and Ian went back into the snug with his bags and cain.

"Where the hell have you been, Ian?" Arthur asked him curiously as John came in and set the glass of rum in front of Ian "thanks,...and I had to stay back in the hospital for physiotherapy for my leg" he revealed to the brothers "damn, the shrapnel still in ya?" John asked him Ian nodded as he took a sip of his rum "small pieces yeah" John nodded, "what have you guys been up to? You still working your illegal bettings?" Ian asked with a chuckle as he sipped his rum Arthur and John smiled and nodded with Thomas.

"yeah and it's doing got a job in mind?" Thomas asked taking a sip of his whiskey before he looked at him "not really, most likely just gonna help Lorry around her shop for a while though" Thomas nodded and seemed to be in thought before speaking again deciding to ask a different question for now, "your leg doing any better?" He asked genuinely and Ian nodded "yeah it got a little stronger still need the stick though just in case it gives out, get small pinches of pain and I still walk like I'm drunk" he joked.
After talking for a while Ian said he needed to leave to check in with his sister Lorraine "it was good to see you guys, it really was" he said as he turned his head to them giving them a bright smile before leaving, after a little while the brothers left as well.

"Tommy, are you sure you want to hire him he just got back from a hospital" said Arthur as he looked at his younger brother as they walked, Tommy nodded cigarette between his lips inhaling the smoke "we need someone who is actually good with numbers Arthur, you heard what John said he's got an education and he's always been better at math than you plus you know Ian even if he can't walk well he can't sit still without focusing on something" John laughed a bit at Tommy's comment while Arthur sigh one "alright, your the boss so I can't stop you anyway"

Even though Tommy said he wanted to hire him because of his knowledge he had also just wanted his old friend around again and his brothers knew that Tommy missed him dearly even if he didn't admit it out loud.


{ A/N: I haven't written a fanfic before so if you have any tips to make my writing better throughout this please let me know and I'll do my best to remember them the next time I might write a story :) }

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