part 16- Black Star

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Ian woke up to someone shaking his shoulder and calling his name "Ian...Ian" the man turned slowly to his back and rubbed his eyes tiredly, he knew from the voice it was Tommy
"hey Tom" Ian mumbled
Ian saw he was standing in front of his bed, Tommy didn't stay the night so Ian was curious as to why he was here, Am I late for work? Did something happen?
"It's Black Star day" he told him quietly so Lorry couldn't hear, he instantly became awake and sat up "shit, I didn't realize" Ian said before getting off the bed to get dressed "Ian I...I don't want you to be there" Ian gave a confused look and felt a little offended "Thomas if it's because you don't have faith in my aim then you've miffed me" Tommy shook his head "Ian it's not that... it's that someone could be quicker than you" he said sounding unsure and worried, Ian walked over to him with a soft smile and took his hand in his, he thought it was sweet he cared for his safety but..

"That doesn't stop me from being there for you"
Thomas huffed "I know" Ian squeezed his hand to give Tommy some peace before grabbing a shirt from the closet "bring a suit..and be at the betting shop at 10, holding a family meeting" Ian looked up from buttoning his shirt and nodded.

Ian stood with Polly as Thomas was giving his speech "Right, brought you all here today cause this is the day we replace Billy Kimber, this is the day we become respectable, today we join the.official..National Association of Racecourse Bookmakers..but first we do the dirty work" he said looking at them all, his eyes lingered on Ian a few more seconds "we've all known this day was coming I just haven't told anyone besides Ian the date" Ian could feel some people in the room looking at him before looking back at Thomas.

"We're going to the Worcester Races, if we pack up at 1 we'll be there by 2" he said before turning back to them "now Kimber thinks we're going there to fight the Lee brothers..but thanks to the efforts of our John and his lovely new wife Esme the Lee's are now our kin, I had to interrupt those efforts this morning and I can assure you all John is making great sacrifices in the cause of peace" Ian let a small laugh escape him while feeling a little bit of deja vu.
"Yeah alright" John rolled his eyes "so it'll be us and the Lee's against Kimba's boys, we'll take them out and leave the bookies, I expect a swift victory which will send a signal all the way to London that we believe..letting legitimate businesses run peacefully"

"And uh what about Kimber himself?" Asked John "I'll deal with Kimber..any other questions?","yes" everyone looked at Polly curiously as she walked to the green doors "does anyone object that I bring a newcomer to the meeting?" She said before opening the doors to reveal Lorry, Ada and her son, Ian hasn't seen her son yet only been talked about by his sister saying he was 'so cute' and that she wanted to hold him all the time "I'd like to introduce the newest member of the Shelby Clan" as Ada walked in holding her baby everyone started clapping "welcome home Ada" said Tommy.
"We named him Karl, after Karl Marx"
'of course he did' Ian jokingly thought
"Bloody Marx, let me get a look at him" said Arthur as I moved to be out of everyone's way and stood next to Thomas "oh here we go" said John with a smile.

"You tell her?" Ian asked quietly eyeing his sister "no, doesn't seem like she does though.."
"Ian come look at the new member!" Arthur said grabbing his attention, he walked over to Arthur holding the boy "want to hold him?" Ian paused for a few seconds before nodding he was a little nervous about it, Arthur slowly handed him Karl and Ian held him securely in his arms "hey buddy" Ian smiled as he saw Arthur put his hat on Karl "look, he looks just like me" making everyone chuckle "he's alright, he's a Shelby"
Tommy stares at the sight feeling warm and content before looking at Ada.

"Well I forgiven?","if what Aunt Polly said is true you are" She looked at him expectantly, Thomas nodded "it's true" she then turned to Ian looking shocked not believing her brother, most of the men had started leaving.
He nodded, Tommy had told him the day before that he was getting Freddie out of jail for Ada, and she smiled and hugged Tommy "thank you Tommy" Ian held a warm smile at the sight.
Ian was about to walk out of the betting shop with the boys before Lorry stopped him "Ian" her tone was serious, he looked at her and knew he wasn't going to get out of this conversation, he forgets she can hide her anger pretty well, he turned to Tommy "go on ahead with the boys I'll be there soon" Tommy nodded "alright, we're stopping at the Garrison first" he said before leaving, Polly, Ada and Karl were in a different room.

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