part 15- My Light

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Ian was at home in the living room sitting on the couch Lorraine was sitting across from him doing embroidery of flowers for Ada's baby, both were on break and talking, some how the conversation turned to one of Ian admitting his doubts of Tommy.
He knew it was stupid, Lorraine told him herself that if he didn't have those feelings he wouldn't have said he wanted to try.

"I know.. it's mind is twisting it to make me think he'll eventually see that this is pointless that really it's not worth his reputation Lorry, there's a reason these types of relationships don't last it either gets to much or it's boring...makes me think he doesn't want me around as much"
Lorry stopped moving her hand that held the needle as she looked at her brother "Ian I love you but you can be such a fool" the man was caught off guard by this "well you didn't have to put it that way.." he said sounding a bit offended.
She chuckled "That's not what I meant" Ian gave her a curious look wanting her to continue "Ian ever since Tommy got back from war all I saw is a shell of himself..he hardly found joy in anything anymore and when I look hard enough I constantly see he's in torment, the only times I see him truly at peace is when he's with you"
"How are you so sure?" He was a bit skeptical and curious.

"I taught you the art of noticing the small difference Ian I would obviously catch things you seem to miss" she lightly joked "like what?"

"Well his shoulders relax in your presence, always seems to want to stand or sit closer to you, seems to be more confident when you're in the same room, the big one is his eyes however when you're not looking he stares as long he can and they soften when looking at you like he's looking at something he adores" she laughed, she was saying it like it was obvious.
Ian thought about it and he realizes she's right.
"How did I not see that?.." he questioned more to himself than his sister "when someone's in love Ian they tend to easily miss small things"

Ian knew he felt strong feelings for Thomas but somehow it became stronger when she described it as Love

"hello Mr.Bennette"
"Hello Grace, how are things?"
"They're alright, rum?"
He nodded accepting the drunk.

Ian was in the Garrison the betting shop had closed so he decided to get himself a drink and ended up drinking a pint of rum while talking to Grace.
"How's your leg?" She asked, it wasn't hard to see he walked oddly and he did come in with a cain sometimes "see me limping?" She nodded "it's doing alright, getting stronger by the day, still can't run though at best I can speed walk away from danger" he laughed lightly and she smiled

Despite his suspicions of her he kept conversation friendly as to not indicate he was skeptical of her luckily for him it wasn't hard to be nice to her since he did think she was a nice woman just in wrong circumstances thinking that maybe she thought she was doing good or she was forced, for now he will not know.
"If you don't mind, how did you injure it?" She asked him curiously "well while I was fighting in France, an enemy soldier had thrown a grenade it was heading near a lot of my comrades so to save them from being badly wounded I kicked the grenade away like it was a hacky-sack *chuckles*  however once it was in the air it exploded the shrapnel of the grenade entered my leg  and it hit my knee directly" Ian said before shooting back the rest of the rum in his glass and Grace looked at him with slight surprise and fascination.

Ian turned and smiled at Harry as he came over but stopped when he noticed the slight worry on his face "Harry what's wrong?" Ian whispered "my brother in Digbeth just said the police coming from Derryton in numbers are asking for Thomas Shelby by name" Ian gave a confused look and as if summoned Thomas walks in "shit" said Harry quietly before leaving, Thomas walked up to Ian and nodded to the snug before opening the door and both going in once the door was close Thomas turned to him "I'm gonna have to lay low for a while" Ian figured it had to do something with the police asking for him but he was still confused as he didn't know why.
"Why? What did you do?"

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