𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗 - 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐦𝐲,𝐦𝐲,𝐦𝐲,𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐫

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The next day came and i was skipping around my house enthusiastically, my whole family were surprised that i woke up early and i was so happy, i cant blame them though, im definitely not a morning person so this was weird for me too

i drove to starbucks and ordered a iced coffee with extra caramel sauce, i waited in line and once my name was called i sped up and retrieved my drink and walked back to my car, i sipped my drink, set in in the cup holder, blasted my favourite songs and began driving back home,
i still had a few hours before i had to start getting ready for our date so i was in no rush,

i arrived back home, watched some tv, ate a small late lunch and went upstairs to shower, i got out of the shower and dried my hair, i decided to straighten it, and i played some music on my alexa whilst i began my makeup,

i finished my makeup an hour later, i took my sweet time but im glad i did because it turned out so well,

it was an hour before Marc was supposed to be picking me up and i left some extra time to pick out an outfit,

the outfit:

Marc had told me that he had booked a fancy restaurant so i made sure to match the theme,I sprayed my perfume, picked a black clutch bag and slipped on my red bottom heels and waited in the living room for Marc, he showed up on time, i sped to the...

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Marc had told me that he had booked a fancy restaurant so i made sure to match the theme,
I sprayed my perfume, picked a black clutch bag and slipped on my red bottom heels and waited in the living room for Marc,
he showed up on time, i sped to the door and opened it nervously to see Marc holding my favourite flowers, he was dressed in black dress pants and a black shirt that had the top few buttons undone,
he looked majestic,
i took the flowers and placed them on the small table by the entrance, and he kissed me and took my hand walking me to his car, he opened the door to the black Mercedes and i sat in the passenger seat, he softly closed the door and walked round, sitting in the drivers seat, placing his hand on my thigh and began driving off

"you look incredible Ella" he said looking at me

i blush and reply "thank you Marc, you look very handsome"

we talked more during the journey to the restaurant and then we finally arrived, he got out and opened my door for me,
what a gentleman,
we walked into the restaurant and the waiter took us to us to a table for 2, i was so happy that we were on a date,
we chatted and luckily it all came naturally because he was my best friend,
we ordered our food and after a short wait it finally arrived.


after we finished eating he payed for the cheque and we left, he opened the door for me like before and placed his hand on my thigh like before, i got instant butterflies,
we talked the whole time in the car but once we parked outside my house i got sad because i did not want the night to end here,
he walked me to my door and we kissed but before we said our goodbyes he stopped me before i could go inside

"Ella, ive been thinking for a while, ive known you for almost my whole life and your one of the few people i would trust my life with, would you like to be my girlfriend" he said holding both my hands, with a hopeful expression in his eyes

"oh Marc i would absolutely love to be your girlfriend"
i say leaning in for another kiss which turned into a make-out session which turned out to us spending the rest of the night together,

it was definitely a pinch me moment.


i woke up to see my bed empty, i walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see Marc attempting to make pancakes which made me laugh, i walked up behind him and put my arms around him,

"good morning sleeping beauty" he said in his sweet voice,

"good morning" i reply yawning and walk over to the fridge and take out the carton of orange juice, pouring us both a glass and setting it on the table whilst he set the pancakes on the table with the syrup,

i take my seat and Marc takes his seat opposite of me,

"so i have a game today and i was wondering if you wanted to come along..and ill get you free tickets, I think Tessa is going too" he said after swallowing a mouthful of pancakes,

"sure! id love that" i say back
"good" he replies with a big smile plastered across his face,
we finish our pancakes and Marc leaves early for some practice with the team before the game,
Tessa comes over to get ready with me since I'm home alone and she brings Hector's jersey to wear

she comes up to my room and she flops down on my bed,

"spill everything" she says before saying hello or anything

i go into detail about everything and her jaw drops even lower every 5 seconds, i finish getting ready and she takes my seat at my vanity,

my outfit:

i pack my small, white handbag and we set off in Tessa's car, we arrive at the stadium and go and take our seats,

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i pack my small, white handbag and we set off in Tessa's car,
we arrive at the stadium and go and take our seats,

The game finally starts and the team come out of the tunnel, Marc and I make eye contact and he blows me a kiss,
Tessa notices and starts nudging me and smirking,

(idrk how football works tbh so im not gonna explain what happens during the game)

The game finishes and Barcelona wins 3-1
Marc scored a goal and i was so happy for him,
the four of us went out for a celebratory dinner and we ended the night at a bar drinking and having so much fun.

A/N: this is kinda short ish but i hope u liked it and i will be make sure to publish the next chapter asap! xx

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