Andrew - 11

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It has been six weeks since Willa became my wife. The castle was almost done being redecorated, there were just a few rooms left. Willa was adjusting to becoming a queen. She was doing well but I could tell she was struggling a bit. Her stomach continued to grow as our daughter grew. I can't believe in just a few months I will become a father. 

Since becoming king my days have been filled with meetings. There was always a meeting to be had and my advisors kept me busy. I've never enjoyed meetings so this has been hell for me. The only peace I got was my nights with Willa. I took anytime I could get with her and I loved every second of it. Suddenly I hear a knock at my office door, breaking my thoughts. The door creaks open and Hope walks in. "Andrews are you busy?" She asks with a smile. "Not at the moment, what's up?" I answer as I motion for her to sit. She walks over and sits in front of my desk. "I just have to tell you, it has been so wonderful having you back. Willa is such a joy, we have become quite good friends" Hope tells me. "Thank you Hope, it has been great being back. It's been good for Willa to make a friend here. Thank you for that Hope" I say. Hope smiles and nods her head "Andrews I am concerned for her if I am to speak truthfully. She is struggling with becoming queen. She feels as if she doesn't fit in since she is not of noble blood" Hope pauses "She wished for me not to tell you, but I am concerned Andrews. A happy queen means a happy court, if she is not happy the court will be affected". I nod listening to her "I hate that she feels this way" I say with a sigh. "I imagine it is hard for her, she did not expect this life nor prepare for it", I say running my hands through my hair thinking. 

Ah I know what to do, I quickly grab a paper and pen. Once I was done writing I put it in a envelope and sealed it. "Give this to the messenger" I say handing it to Hope. "We are going to have some visitors". Hope nods and takes the letter from me "Will do" she says as she stands up then leaves my office. Hopefully in a few days time we will have some visitors, until then I need to find Willa. I get up and leave my office, I walk down the halls and head to the nursery. Willa has been busy decorating it perfectly. I walk in and see her looking up at the wall as a maid hangs a sign. "A little to the left" She tells her "Then down some, perfect! Thank you Isabel" she adds. I look at the sign "Esme" I say. Willa turns and smiles when she sees me "There you are my husband" she walks over and kisses me quickly. "Do you love it?" She asks looking up at me. "I do love it, Esme will love her room" I tell her and gently place a hand on her stomach. 

Isabel curtsies then leaves us alone in the room. "Daddy can't wait to meet his little princess" I say. Willa giggles and rubs my back "Not that much longer Andrews, I can't believe it. I'm finally going to be a mother" she excalims with a smile. "A wonderful mother at that" I say before I kiss her. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me deeply. "I can't believe this is the life I get to live" she whispers and presses her forehead against mine. "You deserve this baby" "Do I?" she asks pulling back and looking at me. I caress her face "You do" I pause "I have a surprise for you, in a few days time we will have some visitors" I tell her. Her eyes widen "What really? Who? Oh Andrews tell me who?" She asks excitedly. "I can't say" I tell her chuckling. "Andrews please!" She pouts. I laugh looking at her cute pouty face "No, but trust me you will like it" I assure her and kiss her again. "Mm fine" she says between kisses. 

A few days later it was time for our guests arrival. Willa was busy having tea with her ladies so I snuck out to the front of the castle. I stood at the doors and watched as all the carriages were coming in. They were black with big black horses pulling them. The guards riding alongside the carriages were also on black horses in black uniforms. The first carriage stops and the guards open the door Faith, Ronin, Blaze and AJ get out. "Andrews hey bro!" Blaze yells and jogs up the steps to me. "Damn brother its cold here, my balls are shivering" Blaze says laughing. I shake my head laughing and shake his hand "It's good to see you mate, it's been too long". Blaze shakes his hair and snowflakes fall off of his bright red hair "I don't do well with the snow" he tells me. "Go inside and get warm" I tell him and a guard quickly opens the door for him. He walks in as Faith and Ronin greet me happily. "Andrews we miss you at the kingdom" Faith tells me as she gently rubs her stomach. "It's true we do" Ronin adds in. "I miss you all as well, now that the castle is also done we will be able to visit for often" I tell them. "You better bro" AJ says jogging over to us. "I literally hate snow so you better be happy we came" Faith tells me laughing. "I appreciate it, Willa will be so excited. Head inside to the dinning room, there is a meal prepared for us all" I say and a guard opens the door. They all walk inside quickly.

 I look back down as another carriage pulls up, this one was bigger and had more guards around out. The door opens and Raven steps out. She stops and looks up at the castle, the wind was blowing her long black hair and snowflakes were landing all over her black dress. Lottie gets out behind her and they both walk up the stairs to me. "Queen Raven thank you so much for coming" I say bowing to her. She smiles and bows her head. "King Andrews you do not have to be so formal, we are friends are we not?" She asks. I chuckle "Yes we are, forgive me Raven" I look over at Lottie "Hello Lottie, thank you both for coming". Lottie smiles "We are happy to be here King Andrews" she says with a bow. I nod then look back at Raven "Willa will be happy to see you, I think you speaking to her will help her greatly" I say. "I think so too, I remember how hard it was when I first became queen. I wish I had someone to talk to me then, I will be sure to help her in anyway I can" She says then looks back at the carriage and nods. The guards nods back then the carriages leave. 

I look behind her and there is a group of dark knights. "I hope you do not mind the knights, they must always stay with me when I visit other kingdoms" Raven says noticing me looking at them. "Of course not, I understand. Please come in" I say as the doors open. They walk inside and head to the dining room. Once everyone sat down I sat at the head of the table. "Go get the queen" I ordered one of the servants. "Oh I'm so excited to see her" Faith exclaims. Ronin reaches over and grabs her hand smiling at her. 

A few minutes later Willa walks in "What Andrews did you ne-" she gasps loudly seeing everyone sitting at the table. "Oh my heavens! What? I can't believe this!" She exclaims excitedly. She quickly walks around the table hugging everyone then sits next to me. "This is so amazing, I have missed you all greatly" she tells the table. "We have missed you Willa, we just had to come see your kingdom. It is beautiful" Raven says. "And cold" Faith adds. Willa giggles "Yes the cold took some time adjusting to". Blaze glances out into the hall as few noble ladies walk by "I never thought I would find albinos hot". "Blaze the snow people are not albino" I say laughing. Lottie rolls her eyes and Raven shakes her head. 

We sit and talk for hours, we all laughed and enjoyed catching up with each other. Raven and Willa left to go talk. The rest of us decided to go into the gardens. AJ and Blaze insisted on playing in the snow. As soon as we walked into the gardens AJ took off running, Blaze chased him and tackled him. We all laughed watching them wrestle each other. Faith walked over next to me "Mother is going to announce that Blaze will be looking for a wife soon" she says watching Blaze. "Really? What does he think about that?" I ask. "He doesn't know. He wishes not to settle down. Mother says since he will be king he must" "Well that is true, Kings needs a wife" I reply. Lottie walks down the garden looking at all the snow flowers. "Do you think Lottie will marry?" Ronin asks. Faith shakes her head "I don't think so, mother has been looking. Most men do not want a wife with pink hair". "Why does she have pink hair?" Ronin asks. "I don't know, she was born with it" Faith tells us. 

AJ runs away from Blaze again laughing loudly. Raven and Willa walk out into the garden "Oh my what are they doing?" Raven asks laughing softly. "Wrestling" Faith giggles. Willa walks over to me and grabs my hand. "Better?" I ask looking down at her. She looks up at me smiling "Better, thank you Andrews. That is just what I needed" She answers and leans her head against my shoulder. Blaze catches up to AJ and tackles him again, they both fall into the snow laughing. "I gotta join this" Ronin says running out to them. Faith giggles and grabs Ravens hand, they jog over to Lottie and play in the snow with her. 

"I was made to be the snow queen" Willa whispers. I turn to face her and caress her face "You were" I whisper and kiss her forehead. "I was made to be your wife" she says. "Yes you were" I tell her. We embrace and kiss each other gently. After we kiss we turn and watch all our friends play in the snow. "If you would have told me a year ago that I would be here with you, I would have thought you were crazy. I love you so much Andrews. I can't wait for us to have a family together" Willa says as snow falls from the sky. "I love you Willa, more than you will ever know" I tell her. She smiles and looks at me,

"I guess I really have fallen for snow". 

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