Andrews - 5

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"W-what do you mean you didn't pull out?" Willa asks, I can see the panic on her face. I sit up and rub my face trying to figure out what happened. "I don't know, I always do. I-I wasn't thinking" I stammer. Willa quickly stands up and puts a robe on "Andrews if I am with child I will be ruined!" she says sternly looking at me. I get up off the ground and put my pants on "No shit I know that. I will not have a bastard child, that looks horrible for me" I reply with a sigh. Willa starts to cry and sits on the couch "I am ruined, my reputation is over forever. This child will be a bastard!" she sobs.

I walk over and sit next to her on the couch and grab her hand. "It will be ok, we will figure it out" I assure her. She looks at me as tears stream down her face "What do you mean?" she asks sniffing. "If you are with child" I hesitate "I will marry you" I whisper. I can't believe what I just said, I have sworn off marriage. Something about Willa gave me the drive to want to protect her no matter what. Seeing her this upset was killing me, I knew that I had to protect her and not let her reputation get ruined. "What?" She asks confused "I-Im married I can't just get a divorce" she cries out. "But you can, Raven will grant it for you" I say trying to help her calm down. I have no clue how I was keeping my cool, all of my instincts was telling me to run. Yet I couldn't leave Willa here. I knew it was the easier option but I couldn't do it. Deep down I knew that I always wanted to be a father.

"She might. What will she think of me? She will think I'm a whore!" She sobs again. "I'm sure she will not" I assure her "Plus there is a chance you might not be pregnant" I add in. She stops crying and looks at me, her face seems relieved when I say that yet her eyes remain sad. "We need to find Faith" she says standing up. I nod and stand up as well "I'm going to go change, let's meet at Faiths study at nine" I tell her as I pick up my things. Willa agrees then I walk out of her chambers. The thought of me getting married and becoming a father raced my mind, how the hell did this happen? I never thought I would get tied down like this.

Later that morning I stood at the door of Faiths study waiting for Willa. As I was standing there all the ladies and duchesses kept trying to talk to me but I shooed them away. Finally Willa arrived, her red hair was in low bun and she had on her nurses uniform. "Ready?" She asks nervously. I nod and place my hand on her lower back. Willa reaches up and knocks on her door, the door opens by itself and we walk in. The study was filled with books, plants and potions. There was glowing lights all around and small statues was floating in the air. "Oh hello there!" Faith exclaims. She motions her hand to the side and the door shuts behind us. Willa looks around the room in awe "I've never been in here" she mumbles looking around. Faith smiles and leans against her desk looking at me "Why are you here Lord Andrews?" she asks as her eyes shift to Willa "With Willa?". "We need your help Faith, We would appreciate if this stayed between us" I say and take a seat in front of her. Willa sits next to me and bites her lips nervously.

Faith smiles "Well but of course, I thought the snow kingdom had a witch?" she asks. "We do, just not as good as you" I reply. Faith smirks and moves her long blonde hair off her shoulder "Well no one is". I chuckle and Willa forces a smile "Faith we slept together" she blurts out. Faith looks at her shocked "What? Willa you are a married woman!" She whispers and crosses her arms. "I know" Willa says tearing up. Faith glares at me "And you! How dare you sleep with her" she scolds me. "There is more, we slept together twice" I inform her. Faith gasps "Twice? Andrews I thought you never slept with the same woman more than once!" She exclaims. "Well that is what I have always stood by" I mumble and look at Willa. She was looking at me and her eyes were filled with sadness "until now" I continue and reach over to grab her hand. She smiles at me gently then looks up at Faith.

"We think I'm with child" she tells her in a serious tone. Faiths mouth opens shocked "Oh my goodness, this is all very shocking" she says quickly. "We need you to use your powers and tell us if she is with child. Please, we beg you" I plead to her. Faith nods "Of course I will help, lay on the ground Willa" she instructs and walks over to her shelves, looking through some books. Willa looks at me nervously then stands up and walks over to the middle of the room. She lays on the floor on her back. I turn and watch as Faith goes and kneels next to her stomach.

Faith hovers her hands a few inches above Willas stomach. Faith starts to whisper a spell in another language and her eyes began to glow white. She does this for a while until she shuts her eyes. Once she opens her eyes again she looks at Willa and stands up. Willa quickly gets up "Well? What is it?" she asks nervously. Faith looks at the both of us "You are pregnant" she pauses for a few moments "with a girl" she continues. Willas gasps and places a hand on her stomach "W-with a girl?" she whispers and starts to cry. "With a girl" Faith confirms as she walks over to sit behind her desk.

I hug Willa as she cries into my chest "It's going to be ok" I try to assure her. Truthfully I was losing my mind, when she said that it was a little girl my heart nearly exploded. I was feeling things I never thought I would, was this what its like being a father? "I could also help get rid of the pregnancy if you would like" Faith tells us. "No" Willa says quickly. I shake my head "No, this isn't the babies fault. This is the result of our actions, not our daughters" I reply. Willa looks up at me in awe "You really mean that?" she asks. "Of course I do" I reply caressing her face. I lean down and kiss her softly on the lips without even thinking. She kisses me back gently and keeps looking at me when I pull away. "Together" she whispers "Together" I whisper back.

"Um you need to talk to the queen about a divorce it seems" Faith says awkwardly. Willa steps back from me shocked "Yes I will, I'm sorry you saw that your highness". Faith shrugs "Who am I to judge? I told the same man I was leaving him twice" she giggles. "On a serious note, true love always prevails" she adds. Was this what this was? I don't know what love was supposed to feel like. I have to admit I like the feeling I get when I'm with Willa.

We say our goodbyes to Faith then go for a walk in the forest so we could talk freely. We were walking down the path for awhile in silence. We walk down another path to a big meadow filled with red and white flowers. It was if the meadow was a representation of us. "Let's sit" Willa tells me as she walks further in to it. Once we were in the middle she sits down and I sit next to her.

"Andrews do you truly want to be with me? Or are you only doing this because of the baby? If so I'm fine, I can get a small cottage out in the country. The baby and I can live there alone and we ca-" I cut her off by kissing her. I wrap my arm around her and caress her cheek with my other hand. We kiss as if this was our way of communicating our feelings to each other. "I want to be with you" I mumble into her lips. She gives me a quick kiss then pulls away "I want to be with you Andrews" She smiled at me and I swear I felt my heart leap.

Falling for someone was a strange feeling. This is the first time I have actually cared about anothers opinion or thought of me. This was all new and honestly scary, yet Willa was worth it all. We talked for hours in the meadow. I told her about my childhood and she told me about hers. I felt as if I could talk to her forever without getting bored. Looking into her beautiful green eyes, that's when it hits me.

I'm in love with Willa.

I'm in love with Willa

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