Chapter 19 - Cleaning Up

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*Caine POV*

"They all seem... happy" I say, watching the members talk and laugh while eating the dinner that A prepared that night. We were all back in our regular clothes, which I preferred because i was so used to the ringleader suit

"Indeed they are." A replied. We both were floating above the table, supervising the members. I was watching their body language and listening to their conversations. Pomni seemed more relaxed than I've ever seen her before, laughing and joking with Ragatha. Jax seemed less moody than usual as well, not really talking but just enjoying the meal. The NPCs were back in their room, and I could tell they were talking about the adventures. Some also wondered how the food tasted, I snapped my fingers quietly and spawned a copy of the meal in the room for them to enjoy if they wanted

"Wowie A! You sure know how to take care of the circus!" Bubble said, floating up to us after swallowing a turkey leg whole.

"Of course, and I am here to help you two learn how to do everything you saw here today!" A said. If he had a face I'm sure he would be smiling at us. I smile back at him.

Eventually everyone finished eating and started to go to their rooms, but not before turning to A.

"Thank you A for making an amazing adventure! I don't think I've felt this relaxed in the Circus!" Ragatha said, smiling and waving goodnight. Other remarks from the other members followed hers before they disappeared down the hall and into their rooms

"Alright, now to business" A said, turning to me.

"What business?" I felt a little dumb for asking.

"You know how I asked you to expand the circus? And you didn't know why I asked you?"

"I recall, yes"

"Well I wasn't sure if i should tell you then, but I probably should share the plans with you"

"Plans?" Bubble asked, also confused

"Yes, Right after I was reactivated the first time the creators of the game actually spoke to me"

"The-... They did?" This shocked me, A talked with the people who have been silent to me for years? Bubble also looked shocked and looked at me confused

"Yes, They told me the plans they have for the game. Right now only a small handful of beta testers have been sent into the game. Right now 6 are left, which is fine I guess but the creators dream big!" A spread his arms out in enthusiasm, as if he was trying to excite a crowd.

"What exactly are the plans?" I ask

"Well, this game has been unfinished and left in beta for years. Again only a few people have actually ever played it. They want the game to be finished by expanding the circus and preparing the game to have a lot more people!" I was confused now, trying to process this new information

"Finish the game... how?" I asked

"Well first we need to fix the glitch, can't do much with that roaming around! Then I say start adding a lot more activities that the members can do with minimal supervision from you. I saw the carnival grounds outside the tent and there doesn't seem to be much going on. Maybe you can create carnival games and rides with basic NPCs running it so you don't have to worry about running it yourself. Same with the other activities! Maybe a couple of basic games like tag and hide n seek." A was mostly thinking out loud at this point but I was listening to every idea

"That will keep the members entertained during their free time. However for the adventures I say you need to think bigger! Allow for adventures where a bunch of members can go at the same time without it being too chaotic. Or have multiple instances of the same adventures running at the same time with smaller groups of members! Oh the possibilities are endless really!"

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