Chapter 24 - It's Not Okay

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*Caine POV*

"You guys are up early!" I said, looking around at the members gathered around the stage. I could tell something was wrong though, they all looked scared. I was holding my hands together in front of my chest, trying to hide the blood stains. I haven't figured out how to get rid of the stains, maybe only A can fix it but I really don't want to ask him.

"We need to talk to you Caine" Pomni said, fiddling with her gloves

"I'm gonna guess that it's about something bad" I said, my voice growing quieter

"It's about A" Zooble said, crossing their arms and looking at me. I hoped that Pomni didn't tell them about what happened last night

"Oh! What about A? Did he do something wrong?"

"We think he's the reason we're trapped here, and we want to know if you had anything to say about it" Zooble was getting a little annoyed thinking about A, their antennae twitched slightly. I was confused, A is the reason they're trapped here? That doesn't make much sense.

"What do you mean?" I float down to be at eye level with most of the members, no longer wanting to float high above them.

"Pomni, Jax, and I were talking and we realized why we recognize A's voice. We remember a voice talking to us as they forced the headset on us, and they had a similar suit to A" Zooble explained. I was still really confused though, not understanding much of that Zooble was saying

"Wait... so you're saying you think A was a human and forced you guys to be in the circus?" I asked, scratching my head with my left hand and keeping my right hand covering the stain.

"That's the gist of it." Zooble said.

"Well that's wrong because A is an A.I. like me. We were created together to run the circus but he ended up being shut off and I was left unfinished... I don't think he forced you into the circus"

"Are you sure that he's actually an A.I. though?" Pomni stepped in

"Well that's what he told me"

"Okay but do you actually remember you both being created?" Pomni said. I thought about it, thought about the earliest memories of the circus. I don't remember much, and I don't think I remember A at all. But maybe my memories were deleted, though I don't know why they would be deleted

"I don't remember much actually" I admitted

"What do you remember of A before he appeared?" Pomni pushed

"Nothing..." I can't remember any instance of his face or voice

"I think he's a human like us, lying and pretending he's and A.I." Zooble said

"I mean he has more access to the circus than Caine, and if he trapped us then it would make sense he would have power over the entire game" Pomni thought out loud.

Others started also putting in their thoughts, some agreeing and some disagreeing. I wasn't really listening to what they were talking about, I was trying to figure out why I can't remember anything. Why would my memories be deleted? Did the creators or A delete them so I wouldn't remember something for some reason? Did something bad happen? Did I delete them? I don't think I would have had a reason to delete my earliest memories, I don't think I would've done it by accident either.

"Caine!" Jax's voice broke through my train of thought

"Oh! Uh yes Jax?" I quickly look up at him.

"Whatcha hiding there?" He asked, vaguely pointing at my chest area

"Nothing, I don't know what you're talking about!" I gripped my shirt harder, hoping I was hiding the stain well enough

"Your not talking like your usual self" He continued

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