Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Inside the unconscious kraken, Samael wandered like a lost soul, trapped and unable to escape. Though he felt the kraken's mind had been subdued, he sensed his own consciousness emerging. Samael slowly opened his eyes to find himself in a dark, vast abyss. Turning left, then right, he saw only blackness and emptiness.

"Am I dead?" Samael murmured to himself. "Is the Kraken finally killed?"

He hesitated, listening for any sign of life beyond the oppressive silence.

Thank goodness.

He attempted to walk, but felt as though he was stuck in place, as if chained down. Soon, resonating voices began to creep towards him, growing clearer with each moment.

"The Gordon child..."

"He looks so eerie. He's hiding his true form in front of us."

"Do you think he's hideous behind that human facade?"

"Father said he's as black as the abyss."

"Really? How scary!"

This memory again...

Suddenly, the voices shifted. Now they conveyed fear, resonating in Samael's ears and making his eyes widen in terror. His nightmares returned to haunt him.

"Please don't kill me!"


"It's not my fault that I was Poseidon's son."

"How could this happen to me?"

"Please, spare me! Please!"


"Stop! Ahhhhhh!"

Samael's knees grew weak. He trembled and unconsciously took a step back, overwhelmed by the memory he wished he could forget. He bit his lip tightly, looking down and clenching his fist in guilt.

I never wanted to kill them.

I had to.

In order to survive.

The voices faded into the void, leaving Samael in a hushed silence. He braced himself, taking a deep breath, his eyes wandering the desolate expanse around him. Then, a shadowy figure of a woman emerged behind him. Sensing his presence, he turned, a pang of regret seizing him.

His gaze softened as he beheld his mother, tears streaming down her face, her eyes locked onto his. Once a vision of beauty, she now bore the cursed form of a gorgon. Her once-flowing hair had transformed into hissing serpents, her body now wrapped in ash-grey scales, ending in a pitch-black serpent's tail. The hands that had once caressed him with love were now monstrous claws, sharp and dark.

"Samael..." Medusa sobbed, her voice a haunting melody of sorrow.

"Mother?" Samael's voice trembled. "Is this really you? Not an illusion?"

"I'm sorry, Samael," Medusa replied, wiping away endless tears. "I shouldn't have done this. I was consumed by anger, seeking revenge for the wrongs done to me."


"It's so unfair. All I wanted was to be a priestess, my dream since childhood. But now, look at what I've become."

Samael averted his eyes, the weight of unspoken words heavy between them. A thought struck him: perhaps his curse was born from Medusa's loathing of the child forced upon her by a violent act. The thought ignited his anger. He never asked for this fate. He only wanted happiness.

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