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•| crown prince of bullshit |•


The cheerful applause that erupted at his announcement deafened my fiance’s protest. My scoff of disbelief was also drowned in the celebration. Fiancee, how utterly meaningless of a word that is and how wrong it is to call somebody whom I've seen for altogether five minutes my fiance.

Kedar stood there like a statue, smiling when someone came up to him and congratulated him but the moment they turned their back his face slipped into the blankess that was practiced and precise. I tried my best to stand there and let people drone about how fortunate and lucky we are to marry our love and not everyone gets a chance like us but after the 23rd congratulations from a moron who could care less, my patience snapped.

I've never been so elated to see my sister than at that moment. She appeared in front of me like a guardian angel and scurried me away to a secluded room. Her soft hands interlocked with mine, to keep me in check no doubt.

She let go of my hand and locked the door behind her.

“What was that? They were all watching you and you were behaving like that.” She shook her head in disappointment. Despite her being at least 4 years younger than me she still scolds me like a toddler.

“Did you see that guy? He was standing there like he was struck by lightning.”

“So, you know better than to behave like a toddler –”

“And you know better than anyone that I hate this, this, absolute farce of a marriage.” My aggression rarely scared her but this time it was different and she could sense it too because it shut her mouth very quickly.

Her defeated sigh echoed in the silent room.

“I know that but I also know that this deal or alliance or farce, whatever is important for us and you know it too. So just suffer through this marriage and you can be free.”

A scathing laughter escaped my mouth. Free, she believed that I could be free after going through this farce. Her naivety had never failed to amuse me. How could one be in her position and think that?

Naivety is what had made her incapable of leading a company. Her unfailing optimism failed her in life several times yet she held onto that. All these made her a non eligible candidate for running our business but she still believes that Papa favored me more than her and this naivety is what made her think that I could ever be free from my duties and obligations.

If I stand here anymore I might break her heart and I've no desire to do that, to fail her expectations or to add her into the list of people who never understood me. So I did what I could, that is to leave her alone.

The party, it seemed, didn't miss me much nor did my fiance by the looks of it. I didn't see him in the place I left him standing neither in the hall but that could be because of the crowd.

From what I've seen and heard, my fiance was only 23 completing his MBA. I've yet to do an extensive search about him. All the information about him was provided by his grandfather, who was suspiciously eager to get through this marriage than anyone else or he must be simply elated to see his grandson's marriage and I am just paranoid.

My parents and his family were standing together, his grandfather chatting with Papa and his aunt and uncle with her. Yuvaan stood behind them looking thoroughly bored. He  have no interest in business and have expressed it many times yet that didn't stop Papa from including him in conversations like these. The only people missing from the group were Kedar, his cousin Samaira and his uncle's kids. Rudra, who was busy with Ranveer spotted me and with a flick of his hand called me there.

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