Part 2: The Professional Life

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(authors point of view)

He ended up playing games in the field he'd dreamed of playing in with different countries. He'd come home to his mom with a smile on her face, with teary eyes, she was so proud of him 💗. One day they called him in to play a game against Brazil and he came, the game was won by Chile 2-1. There was a little get together at this hotel they were staying in with Sanchez, Vidal, Vargas, and Isla. They were all a bit tired and bored so they all decided to go jacuzzin since it was night time and none of them knew how to swim but Alexis. So they got ready and went down to the jacuzzi. Alexis saw a beautiful girl about his age in the pool all alone it looked like she was just relaxing in the pool. The rest of the guys just ignored, but Alexis couldn't help himself she was so pretty. So he stared until she noticed him staring, she smiled and giggled. Alexis got red. The girl got out of the pool and got ready to dive back in. She dived and Alexis watched her. She didn't come up for a few seconds so he began to worry. He had this anxiety that she hit her head. He got out of the jacuzzi and found her at the bottom of the pool. No one else could help her but him because no one knew how to swim. So he jumped in and carried her out. He lied her onto the floor and did CPR on her because she wasn't breathing. Until she coughed up water and began to breath desperately. She began to cry and he held her tight and said "it's alright, you're okay" she continued sniffling and was shivering scared. He got a towel and calmed her down. His warm body on hers made her feel safe. She asked what happened, and he told her the story. She began remembering and then thanked him so much for saving her life. He said it was his pleasure, and she smiled then he asked what's your name? and she said my name is (y/n). What's yours? said (y/n)
My name is Alexis Sanchez. He then offered to stay with her in her room until she was okay. And unexpectedly she accepted. The rest of the boys went to the room. And Alexis went with
(y/n) to her room. (y/n) went to her bathroom and got ready for bed. After her he went in the bathroom and did the same. (y/n) told him to go into the bed with her and he went. The girl said to stay 15min longer after she fell asleep just incase and he did. Her bed was so comfortable that he began falling asleep. until he fell asleep

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