Part 6: Miracles

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(y/n) point of view

I begin crying again. "MOVE PLEASE! PLEASE! YOULL BE OKAY!" I yelp.
a few hours later I see fiddling. this time with his fingers. and his eyes. but I don't scream this time. I get close to him and say "hey, hey, you're okay. you're okay." in a soothing voice. I can't believe myself... His eyes are open. He begins to panic. I get close and say "oh my god. oh my god." He says " (y/n)?" And I say " yes! yes! it's me!" He smiles, but it's weak. I begin to cry. He starts laughing and says "please don't cry I love it when you smile" and I sure missed that smile of yours" I get close and kiss him on the lips. he likes it. I get more and more into it. until he opens his eyes and says "damn. did it really take all this time to get that?" I begin to laugh and see a nurse coming in to get him ready to go. She gives us a prescription and says "this should help you." and smiles. Alexis takes it, looks at me and says. " I missed you so much." he grabs my petite waist and curls me up into a kiss. "I guess miracles do happen" I smile and his beautiful dark brown eyes stare down at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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