Part 3: Hello, Goodbye

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(Alexis' point of view)

"Shit what am I still doing here!" I whispered under my voice. (y/n) was still asleep, I could still leave without her knowing I spent the night. I grabbed a sticky note and a sharpie, it said " call me if anything 714-654-3210." I grabbed my wallet and left. I walked quickly to my room and I felt this need to see her again. I hoped and prayed that she'd call. My friends were still asleep. I showered and got ready for what the day had for me. I left horrid smell of alcohol and smoke. I got into the elevator and saw a coffee shop across the street. I walked down and it was like magic. (y/n) was there... She looked at me, held the sticky note and smiled. I looked down and laughed. I went up to her and said "I just had to leave my number, I really wanted to see you again" she giggled and said " well I'm here." there was a silence between us that made me feel tense and made her cheeks bright red. To break this awkward silence I grabbed her hand and led her to a table. We talked for hours and hours. Until I realized it was 3pm. crap I was gonna be late for the game! I told her "I'm so sorry, but I have to go." she answered "oh, haha it's fine." I see her smile break down into a frown. "wait!" I said. she looked back "come to my game! I've learned so much about you and you're so sweet... Please" I begged. it took a little of convincing but she finally agreed. I gave her a ticket and we left. As we arrived to the stadium I showed her to her seat and left. I told her that every goal I would make would be dedicated to her. (y/n) smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. as we made our way to the field we started our game and a little later I made a goal I searched for her a blew many many kisses. the crowd went wild. I bolted towards the ball again. as I got closer someone came from behind and BAM! Everything went black. I could hear everyone go silent as my eyes slowly closed. The last thing I heard was
(y/n) scream "NO!"

(pt.3 coming soon)

Alexis SanchezWhere stories live. Discover now