Part 5: Empty

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(y/n) point of view

I walked out of the hospital. I needed rest it was past 3am. "shit. I have work tomorrow" I said to myself. "wait. what the hell are you saying (y/n). someone very important may die and you're worrying about work?!" I talked to myself in rage. I decided I should take time off work for a few weeks. I thought of him all the way back to the hotel. The sadness took over me. I began to sob. "NO NO NO NO NO! GOD DAMN IT NO!" I said to myself as a banged on the drivers wheel. My head ached from all of the crying and screaming and rage. I needed to take a bath and go to sleep.

5yrs later:

I'm getting ready to go to the hospital once again for the 1,825th time. I've been counting the days. and I really miss him. I miss his smile, His beautiful eyes looking down at mine, his muscular arms holding me, his laugh, everything about him. it completes me. I'm only 50% without him. I'm waiting for him. I'm dedicating my time to him. and only him. as I get in the car I smile and say "day 1825." I put some music on and on about 10min I arrive at the hospital. I put my visitor sticker on and go to room 823. I open it and sit in the bed next to him. "hey, it's the 1825th day that you've been here. and honestly I just want to thank you. for that day when you saved my life. If you were never there to save me. I would've never met such a man like you. Today you turn 25! Happy Birthday."
no reply.... "do you mind if I lie next to you?" no reply... "thank you." I say. I lie next to him and his warm muscular body. I nearly fall asleep and put my arms around him I begin to cry. little sniffles and tears begin to come out. My face presses against his. I feel safe. always. I always feel home. only with you.... I'm startled by something. His head begin to move, next... his feet begin to fiddle. "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!" I jump out of the bed with excitement. " HE'S MOVING!" I yell. Unfortunately no one can here me because the doors are so thick. until... the fiddling stops. I begin to panic. "please.... Without you... I'm empty..."

Alexis SanchezWhere stories live. Discover now